How National Challenges Can Impact International Decisions The ICT in Education Survey and the Relevance of Statistics for Evidence-Based Policymaking.


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Presentation transcript:

How National Challenges Can Impact International Decisions The ICT in Education Survey and the Relevance of Statistics for Evidence-Based Policymaking ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN 20 TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TECHNOLOGY SUPPORTED LEARNING & TRAINING Berlin | 4 th of December 2014

Who we are and what we do…

Latin America and Portuguese speaking African countries  Produces ICT indicators and statistics through ICT standalone surveys.  Promotes the use of ICT statistics for policymaking and academic research.  Monitors socioeconomic impacts of ICTs.

Facts and figures: basic education and ICT access and use in Brazil…

Population: million 85% living in urban area Source: IBGE 2014 Source:, ICT Household Survey 2013 Source:, ICT in Education Survey % Households with computers 43% Households with Internet access 51% Individuals are Internet users Public schools: 82% have computer labs 95% public schools have Internet access 6% have computer in the classroom Source: MEC/INEP, Census 2012  schools in basic education;  51 million of students enrolled in basic education; o 83,5% public schools. o 16,5% private schools.  2 million teachers in basic education. …a very diverse country!

Why are statistics relevant for evidence-based policymaking?

Policy and Practice Dilemma Cohen, David “Good policy requires good statistics at different stages of the policymaking process.” (Scott, 2005) “The impact of policy can be measured with good statistics. If policy cannot be measured it is not good policy.” (Othman, 2005) …to reduce the gaps in translating policy into practice.

o Reliable o Policy relevant o Timely o Accessible o Cost-effective o Interdisciplinary Policy making ICT4E Statistics and Indicators Indicators Internationally comparable data Policy-relevant data analysis o Infrastructure o Access and use o ICT skills o Online activities o Barriers and motivations ICT surveys to produce relevant statistics and data analysis.

Important policies for ICT in Education in Brazil…

PROINFO: National Program of Educational Technology PROUCA: One Laptop per Child Program (Pilot) PNBLE: Broadband in School Program Policies implemented by the Brazilian Ministry of Education National ICT in Education Policies

What is the ICT in Education survey?

  Articles on ICT4E   Methodological report   Analysis of results   ICT4E Indicators Survey planning phase STAKEHOLDERS ICT in Education Survey Stakeholders o Target population o Methodological approach o Dimensions to be measured o Definition of Indicators o Questionnaires

Methodological approach Data collection methods Target population Public and private schools in urban areas QuantitativeQualitative Teachers Students Principals Director of Studies Structured questionnaires Observation In-depth Interviews ICT in Education Survey Methodological approach

 Administrative / management activities  ICT Infrastructure  Barriers preventing ICT use  Coordination and planning activities  Barriers preventing ICT use  ICT skills  ICT training  Online activities  Barriers preventing use  OER  ICT skills  ICT training  Online activities  Barriers preventing use  OER  ICT Skills  ICT training  Online school activities SCHOOL PRINCIPALSTEACHERS DIRECTOR OF STUDIESSTUDENTS Demographics, Access and Use of ICT Indicators ICT in Education Survey Dimensions of the survey

Some findings: …infrastructure and technology are not enough, lack of pedagogical models and teacher ICT skills…

 Infrastructure gap o Quantity o Quality o Location of access  Teachers ICT skill gap …gaps in Brazilian ICT in Education policies POLICY PRACTICE Gap

95% of public schools with computers have Internet access 78% of public school teachers, low speed connection to the Internet is the main barrier to the adoption of ICT as pedagogical tools 57% of public schools have connection speeds of up to 2 Mbps 82% of public schools in urban areas have computer labs Public schools have on average 20 installed and working desktop computers and an average of 653 students per school 80% of public school teachers state that the insufficient number of computers hinders the pedagogical use of ICT with students ICT Infrastructure Perception of Quality Source: ICT in Education Survey 2013, (2014) ICT infrastructure in Public schools

Location of installed computers Most frequent location for computer and Internet use in activities with students DIRECTOR OF STUDIES’ OR PRINCIPAL’S OFFICE IT LAB TEACHERS’ ROOM OR MEETING ROOM LIBRARY OR STUDY ROOM CLASSROOM OTHER Source: ICT in Education Survey 2013, (2014) Location of Internet access and Internet use in schools

Teacher Training 47% of public school teachers have received formal ICT training during Tertiary Education 58% of Mathematics teachers have received training 36% of Portuguese teachers have received training ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT WITH STUDENTS % of the total number of public school teachers TEACHING TO USE COMPUTERS AND THE INTERNET PROJECTS OR ASSIGNMENTS ON A SPECIFIC THEME SEARCH FOR INFORMATION IN BOOKS, MAGAZINES OR ON THE INTERNET PRODUCTION OF MATERIALS BY STUDENTS PLAYING EDUCATIONAL GAMES Source: ICT in Education Survey 2013, (2014) Pedagogical use of ICT

Thank you