INTRODUCTIONS Chad Frey – Agape Center Director Carol Zook – International Missions Coordinator Agape Center Local Community Service World Christian Fellowship Human Rights Awareness Service Trips (National Break Trips) Service-Learning ** International Service and Mission **
TONIGHT’S AGENDA: Why go? How to go? Teams and/or Service-Learning Money Issues Important Dates Application details Q & A time
HOW TO GO: Messiah teams Service-Learning (SERV 231 & 232)
SPRING BREAK TEAMS Northern Ireland Toro Toro, Bolivia
Organization: Food for the Hungry Trip Advisor: Erik and Molly Lindquist Team Leaders: Kristin Sicher; Timothy Swartz In Country: March 14 – 23, 2014 Themes:Environmental Women’s Advocacy Economic Development
FOOD FOR THE HUNGRY MISSION STATEMENT: “To walk with churches, leaders and families in overcoming all forms of human poverty by living in healthy relationship with God and his creation.” Food for the Hungry embraces an intensely personal and biblical response to God’s call to end physical and spiritual hungers worldwide. This intentional walk with the poor mirrors God’s walk with each of us, recognizing our own brokenness and His transforming grace that brings out our God-given potential.”
NORTHERN IRELAND Organization: Local School System Trip Advisors: Chad Frey and David Downey In Country: March 14 – 23, 2014 Mission: Outreach and relationship building with youth Outreach and Sharing Christ in schools Modeling ecumenism and reconciliation
SUMMER TRIP 2014 Advisors: Jan and Rod Dormer and Alberto Poxes Student Leaders: To be decided In Country: May 24 or 25 – June 9, 2014 Mission: Learn about Sports and English Evangelism Visit Brazilian schools teaching English and/or Sports Help run a camp for Brazilian adolescents and teens Visit Iguacu Falls, at the intersection of Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina
SERVICE-LEARNING COURSE (SERV 231 & 232) Spring Class (3 Credit) Summer Experience Fall Class (1 Credit) On own or through one of Messiah’s extended teams Major learning project is a funded grant proposal. Required for all team leaders.
MONEY ISSUES Team approach Support Raising Fund Raising Grants and Scholarships Service –Learning Class Team Trips Financial Responsibility
ESTIMATED TRIP COSTS Bolivia Team goal : (team of 12) $27,700 Northern Ireland team goal :$12,000 (team of 12) Brazil team goal :$45,400 (team of 15)
GRANT OPPORTUNITIES 1)Keep a personal journal; 2)Participate in the re-entry retreat; 3)Put together scrapbook pages of their experience; 4)Write a thank you card by the end of the re-entry retreat; 5)Write a double spaced 3-5 page service-learning reflection paper.
APPLICATION PROCESS: Link online: NISM website 1.Go to Messiah’s website and click Service-Learning, then click International Opportunities and Sign up! 2.Fill out the application. Applications for TEAM LEADER are due by September 30, Applications for TEAM MEMBER are due by October 7, Selected group will interview with Team Advisors and Team Leaders
IMPORTANT DATES 1.October 7 through October 29 – Interview and Selection Process 2.October 29, Fund Raising Meeting; 5:00 to 6:00 p.m.; Boyer November 14, List of addresses due 4.November 25, Solicitation letters mailed. 5.Risk Management Forms (online on Terradotta, TBA (3 weeks before trips)) 6.Re-entry retreats -- TBA.
INTERNATIONAL MISSIONS SALT-N-LIGHT Chapel Dates TBA. 2 in February. 1 in March.
IMPORTANT DATES Fundraisers: Canoe-A-Thon: October 5, 2013, 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. At Yellow Breeches Ducky Derby: February TBA Discount Cards: TBA
WHERE TO GET MORE INFO: Agape Center’s Website: Agape Center’s Resources Contact Carol Zook
Q & A