Agroforestry Addressing Climate Challenges and Improving Social Conditions V. Miranda Chase Research Associate Remineralize the Earth Advancing Renewable Energy in Latin America and Integrated Farm Energy Systems, RELACCx, Puerto Rico, November 19, 2014
How to tackle Complex Problems? Complex Issues: Climate Change Hunger and Poverty Job creation and Income generation Energy and Food Security The Triple Bottom-Line Approach: Social, Environmental and Economic Sustainability Integrated and holist perspective
What is Agroforestry? Mixed-use land management system, that combines agriculture and forestry practices in order to create more diverse, productive, profitable, healthy, and sustainable land-use systems. Diverse intercropping of species First harvest can come as early as a few weeks Plant succession: Herbs and spices vegetables fruits hard wood
What is Agroforestry?
Advantages of Agroforestry Water Savings due to less evapotranspiration (greater soil coverage). Require less fertilizers (the plants naturally supply each other with key nutrients). Resembles natural ecosystems, protecting biodiversity and producing natural goods and ecosystem services.
Advantages of Agroforestry Galbert et. al. (2013).
Advantages of Agroforestry Galbert et. al. (2013).
Advantages of Agroforestry Trees can be used for shelter, biofuels and medicinal purposes. It can be easily combined with other sustainable agricultural techniques, e.g. Remineralization, Biochar, Compost, Organics, etc.
How it Works Case Studies: The Tucurui Dam in the Amazon Basin The APACA Community Projet in Bahia, Brazil The Savannah project in Brasilia, Brazil The Costa Rica model (Food, Fuel and Income)
Case Studies- Tucurui Dam
Case Studies- Bahia (Brazil)
Case Studies- Brasilia (Brazil) Two views of a private Agroforestry initiative
Case Studies- Costa Rica
More than 1600 trees were planted Jatropha- Biofuel tree This model can be transferred to other poor countries and yield social and environmental benefits, such as replacing firewood harvesting.
References 1.NAC 2014, National Agroforestry Center ( 2.LEONARDOS, O.H., FYFE, W.S.; KRONBERG, B.I. Rochagem: o método de aumento da fertilidade em solos lixiviados e arenosos. Anais 29 Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, Belo Horizonte, p MEDEIROS, F. P. (2014). Sistemas agroflorestais aliados à rochagem para recuperação de áreas degradadas. Departamento de Engenharia Florestal, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, DF, 24p. 4.Suzi Theodoro et al (2012) Stonemeal of amazon soils with sediments from reservoirs- a case study of remineralization of the tucurui degraded land for agroforestry reclamation 5.Campe, J. The Potential of Remineralization as a Global Movement. 2nd Brazilian Stonemeal Conference May 12th to May 17th, Poços de Caldas/Minas Gerais, Brazil. 6.Goreau, T.J., Goreau M., Lufkin F., Arango C.A., Despaigne-Matchett G., Despaigne-Ceballos G., Solis R., Campe J. Basalt Powder Restores Soil Fertility and Greatly Accelerates Tree Growth on Impoverished Tropical Soils in Panama. Symposium on Soil Ecology and Restoration August Connelly, G. (n.d.). Costa Rica Agroforestry Project: Food, Fuel and Income to Sustain Local Communities. Available at 9.Michel de Galbert, Fabian Schmidt-Pramov, Gerhard Dieterle and Gunnar Larson (2013). Widening the scope of forest-based mitigation options in the tropics:The roles of forests in substituting for fossil energy sources and moving towards a greener economy. Available at: Thomas J. Goreau, Marina Goreau, Felix Lufkin, Carlos A. Arango, Gabriel Despaigne-Matchett, Gabriel Despaigne-Ceballos, Roque Solis, & Joanna Campe (2011). Basalt Powder Restores Soil Fertility and Greatly Accelerates Tree Growth on Impoverished Tropical Soils in Panama. Symposium on Soil Ecology and Restoration, 38 pg.
Pictures 1.Agroforestry (slides 4 and 7) Agroforestry (slide 8) hance_bhagwat.html#sthash.qUYxBq8u.dpbs hance_bhagwat.html#sthash.qUYxBq8u.dpbs 3. Agroforestry project in Bahia (slide 16) Theodoro, S.H. (2009) Apaca: Arranjo Produtivo Agroecologico em Comunidades de Afrodescendentes. Relatorio Final, Brasilia, 48pg. 4.Acacia Magnum ( medium/public/assets/PPCONT_ jpg?itok=lo cP8yu3 ) medium/public/assets/PPCONT_ jpg?itok=lo cP8yu3