ROUND TABLE SESSION 2 Have we got the right training strategy for developing and sustaining knowledge and competence? Panelist: Eliana C. S. Amaral IRD/CNEN Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
IMPORTANT DEFINITIONS Knowledge can be defined as the amount of information absorbed and retained by a person; Competence as the interaction among knowledge, skills and attitudes needed by a person to perform a specific job.
IMPORTANT REMARK Knowledge often developed through formal courses, self or on job training can not be sustained and having practical use if competence were not developed and sustained.
NEW TENDENCIES Training plan within a strategic vision to the future; Professional certification given by institutions under ISO system; Focusing the regulatory authorities on its core business (licensing, inspection and enforcement);
HOW IS THE SITUATION IN BRAZIL? The Institute for Radiation Protection and Dosimetry, IRD, from the Brazilian Nuclear Regulatory Authority, CNEN, participates in the process to certify the qualification of professionals; It has also na important role in the training of professionals (regular courses without evaluation of competence and organize updating seminars).
PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION For radiation protection supervisors at nuclear or industry facilities, the RA gives a qualification certificate after a written and practical examination, which is conducted by IRD
PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION For health professionals, RA accepts the certificates given by the Brazilian College for Radiology and the Medical Physics Association for the medical specialist and the medical physicist, respectively; Besides it is requested the participation of RA in the examination on radiation protection; Regarding competence evaluation it is asked a declaration of working experience at recognized hospitals.
PERSPECTIVES Discussions are starting on the possibilities of the RA to accept certification of professional qualification given by institutions accredited under the ISO system.
PREPARING STAFF OF THE NUCLEAR REGULATORY AUTHORITY During the seventies, with the ongoing activities of the Brazilian Nuclear Program t here was an action plan with a recruitment strategy, good understanding of the competencies needed, adequate budget for training and employment perspective
NOWADAYS SITUATION IRD started the implementation of a quality system for its inspection (ISO 17020), assays and calibration (ISO17025) activities. This is an important tool for a constant evaluation and optimization of the processes involved.
PERSPECTIVES The IRD intends to ask accreditation for its services (assays, calibration and inspection) under the ISO system, and to train the inspectors to be also certified under the same system; It is required a published training plan based on the competencies defined for each activity, which is now being done.
CONCLUSION It is necessary to standardize training and development of competence on radiation safety; ISO system is a world tendency for professional certification which will make competencies for the same activity more similar, enlarging the reliability among institutions and their staff.
RECOMMENDATION The IAEA should recommend this direction to member states; The IAEA and ISO should establish procedures/criteria for certification of the qualification of professionals; The IAEA should enhance the sharing of experience within and between regions