Trip to Sedona Arizona Flight Distance 314 nm Use Mapquest for freeway distance
Average Speed Equation Average Speed = Distance/Time
C180 Sky Wagon 230 horse power engine Cruises at 140 nm/hr Fuel Burn 12 gal/hr Climb rate 1000 ft/min Climb speed 100nm/hr Climb fuel burn 14 gal/hr
AA5 Grumman Traveler 150 horse power engine Cruises at 100 nm/hr Fuel burn 9 gal/hr Climb rate 500 ft/min Climb fuel burn 11 gal/hr Climb speed 80 nm/hr
Generic Car Average speed 60 mi/hr Fuel burn 25 mi/gal
Questions How long does it take each plane to make it to Sedona (assuming no wind and that the planes are already at cruise altitude) ? How long does it take the car to make it to Sedona ? How much fuel is consumed by each plane and the car ? How long does it take each plane to climb 9500 feet ? How much time does this take to climb 9500 ft ? How much fuel is consumed during the climb? How far does each plane travel during the climb? How much fuel is consumed on the trip to Sedona if each plane has to climb up to cruise altitude first? Aviation fuel is about 5 dollars/gal and auto fuel is about 4 dollars/gal, how much does it cost for each plane and the car to travel to Sedona?