Overview I-LINE2 is a browser based, train weight management software package, designed to provide an information interface for Weighline and Streamline train weighing solutions.
Key features and benefits Opens as a window within the internet browser e.g. Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari therefore providing a modern flexible user interface Operates in real time, refreshing data periodically therefore presenting train weight data as it is processed. Provides weight data graphically or numerically for ease of use.
Architecture, compatibility and configurations
Data Collection and Storage Service Architecture A data collection and web service are installed to run on a “web server”, typically a Windows server or Windows 7 platform. The client (or user interface) will run on any server or desktop PC. Multiple clients are permissable. The SQL database can be located on any mapped drive, located locally or on a central server. Client (User Interface) Web Service SQL Data-base Data Collection and Storage Service
Compatibility Compatible with TSR4000 Weighline and Streamline systems. Compatible with E1310 Weighline and Streamline systems.
Configurations Single system or multiple system support Single system
Configurations Single site or multiple site support Single site
Configurations Single client or multiple client support Single client
Configurations For gross, tare or gross/tare/net operations: Gross: weights of full trains uni or bi-directionally. Tare: weights of empty trains uni or bi-directionally. Gross/tare/net: weights of full and empty trains and resulting net weight produced.
Configurations “Matching” train weighing operations: Complete Matched Trains: Train rakes may be matched identically wagon for wagon as tare for gross (or vice versa). Gross rake format = Tare rake format = Net rake format
Configurations “Matching” train weighing operations: Matching across trains: Trains may be matched by multiple tare rakes, by wagon, to multiple gross rakes or multiple gross rakes, by wagon, to multiple tare rakes, to create the net train rake. Gross rake format Tare rake formats = Net rake format
Configurations “Matching” train weighing operations: Can be configured to be automatic or manual. Can incorporate RFID tags for full Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI). Can be un-matched in case of error or operational changes.
Dashboard Dashboard – Chart format
Dashboard Dashboard – Numerical format
Dashboard Icons representing connected weighing systems With communications status Live communications screen With optional remote control functions Presentation of weight data With report filtering for data range
Dashboard Optional IP camera interface Provides option for live viewing of trains whilst being weighed. Configurable per weighing system
Reviewing trains Trains weighed are listed by: Identifier (date / time / serial number) Instrument name Start weight date and time End weight date and time Total weight of train
Reviewing trains Train status is identified by: Weighed successful / unsuccessful Train matched to another e.g. ingoing to outgoing Train processed for reporting purposes Traffic light system for simple recognition
Reviewing trains Train details can be selected: Individual wagon weights Individual bogie weights Individual axle weights Individual wheel weights Problem wagons, bogies, axles and wheels can be highlighted
Reviewing trains Train details can be displayed, printed and saved to file:
Processing trains Trains can be processed with the following additional information: Train number Wagon number Up to an additional 5 pieces of user defined information. E.g. Product Shipping destination Place of origin
Processing trains Train processing also includes “Matching” of trains e.g. “In” train to “out” train Combinations of “in” trains to 1 out train Gross train to tare train (& vice versa) Combinations of gross trains to 1 tare train (& vice versa)
Reporting Reports available: Train reports Net train reports Reports available to screen, printer or to .pdf file
Help system Quick help User manual included for preview, save or print Help tab provides a guide for: Quick help User manual included for preview, save or print Settings Additional support
Help system Context sensitive quick help Available wherever icon is shown Activated by mouse positioning
Other functions
Events The following events can be setup to automatically perform actions: Train started weighing Train finished weighing Wagon finished weighing Train matched Actions to be performed upon an above event: Create file Create report Print report Send e-mail or SMS
Limits Axle overload Wheel overload Side to side imbalance % Global limits can be set for: Maximum speed Minimum tare weight Maximum tare weight Wagon overload Bogie overload Limits exceeded are indicated in train/net reports Axle overload Wheel overload Side to side imbalance % End to end imbalance %
Limits Axle overload Wheel overload Side to side imbalance % Alternatively, wagon limits can be set for: Maximum speed Minimum tare weight Maximum tare weight Wagon overload Bogie overload Limits exceeded are indicated in train/net reports Axle overload Wheel overload Side to side imbalance % End to end imbalance %
Security User name and password for secure login Multiple users on-line permissible Each user has different levels of access: Administrator Unlimited access Super user Access to all except user accounts User Access to train data and reporting only No access to configuration settings
Other options Automatic / manual matching of trains Automatic / manual reporting of trains Printed E-mailed Automatic / manual data file extraction CSV, XML, TXT Tailored report templates (set up by Railweight) Logo User defined data Paper format
Other options Default wagon tare weights: Removes manual entry of tare weights Used for tare/gross/net weighing systems Can be overridden in Processing menu
Other options Language support User definable language file created Each field can be user translated including base text Language selectable by user
Other options Different colours for graphical data (set up by Railweight)