Westward Expansion Oregon Country 2-The Republic of Texas 3-California and the Southwest 4-The Mexican War 5-Americans Rush West
Objectives Explain why settlers and trappers were attracted to Oregon and the Far West. Describe how mountain men helped explore lands in the Far West. Describe the role missionaries played in the settlement of Oregon. Discuss the hardships settlers faced on wagon trains to the West.
The Lure of Oregon Settlers headed West for good land/climate Oregon Country – region West of Rocky Mountains (Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, western Canada) Pacific Coast: soil fertile, mild temps, rainfall plentiful (Willamette River) Mountain Range: dense forests, fur-bearing animals (fur trappers 1 st to Oregon County) Coastal to Rockies: barren & dry, home to neither fur trappers or farmers 1818 – US & Britain occupy Oregon jointly Citizens of each nation have equal rights
Fur Trappers in the Far West Mountain Men – settled in Oregon, trapped & lived off land Admired as “rugged individualists” (follow own independent course in life) Wore animal hides, porcupine quills, long hair Dangerous job, food scarce, learned from Native Americans Fall/spring – tended traps July – Rendezvous (wilderness meeting point to trade) Trading began to fail, mountain med began leading settlers across trails to Oregon
Exploring New Lands Jedediah Smith – led settlers across Rockies through South Pass (Wyoming) Manuel Lisa – Latino fur trader, led trip up Missouri River in 1807, founded Fort Manuel (1 st outpost) James Beckwourth – AA, travelled West from VA to escape slavery, Chief Crow Indians, discovered Sierra Nevadas (California )
Missionaries in Oregon 1 st settlers in Oregon Marcus & Narcissa Whitman - misson Columbia River, worked w/Cayuse Indians 1840 – many to Oregon 1847 – measles outbreak to Cayuses (children), Indians attacked mission, killing Whitmans and 12 others
Wagon Trains West “Oregon Fever” – 1843, wagon trains every Spring to Oregon on Oregon Trail Pioneers covered 2000 miles in 5 months Dangers – drowning, heat, snow blocked trails, Cholera spread quickly Native Americans traded w/pioneers : 50,000 people reached Oregon, outnumbered British Leads to U.S wanting Oregon solely