Nutrition and Lameness Lameness is a multi-faceted “dis-order” Nutrition Cow Comfort Foot Bath Protocols Hoof Trimming Program
Nutrition and Lameness Lameness is a multi-faceted “dis-order” Where does nutrition in particular play a role?
Nutrition and Lameness Lameness is a multi-faceted “dis-order” Where does nutrition in particular play a role Consistent feed delivery Avoid “slug” feeding “Effective” fiber Sources – silage chop length, dry hay, straw TMR particle size evaluation PSU shaker box 8-10% top screen 50%+ mid screen 55%+ top + mid screens (desirable to be >60% combined)
Nutrition and Lameness Lameness is a multi-faceted “dis-order” Particle size evaluation What would the primary reasons be for reduced particle size of forages in a TMR?
Nutrition and Lameness Lameness is a multi-faceted “dis-order” Particle size evaluation How can you evaluate “over mixing”?
Nutrition and Lameness Lameness is a multi-faceted “dis-order” Particle size evaluation How can you evaluate “over mixing”? Hand mixing of individual ingredients Does it look like the mix coming out of the mixer wagon? How does it “shake out” in the PSU box as compared to the mixer wagon TMR?
Nutrition and Lameness Lameness is a multi-faceted “dis-order” Particle size evaluation Where do you take samples from? Minimum of 3 samples down bunk line Are beginning, middle and end of bunk similar? If not – why might this be?
Nutrition and Lameness Lameness is a multi-faceted “dis-order” Particle size evaluation Every mixer wagon is different!!! Forages will change from cutting to cutting, year to year Chop lengths Moisture Combination of ingredients Order of addition to mixer
Nutrition and Reproduction Like lameness – getting cows pregnant is a multi- faceted process Cow + semen + people How does nutrition play into the cow part of this equation?
Nutrition and Reproduction Like lameness – getting cows pregnant is a multi- faceted process Cow + semen + people What is the number one nutritional requirement/need for the early lactation cow that at DIM we want to get pregnant?
Nutrition and Reproduction Like lameness – getting cows pregnant is a multi- faceted process Cow + semen + people DMI = energy intake Monitoring DMI is key in fresh and high group/early lactation cows to allow a nutritionist to do what more properly?