Integrated innovation for Eurasian rail freight market growth Transport Science: Innovative Business Solutions First International Forum Moscow, 22-23.


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Presentation transcript:

Integrated innovation for Eurasian rail freight market growth Transport Science: Innovative Business Solutions First International Forum Moscow, march 2011 Dr.-Ing. Jens Engelmann Vice Chairman UIC International Railway Research Board

2Integrated Innovation for Eurasian market growth / TS Forum, Moscow / 23 March 2011 The market and modal split situation indicates potential for Eurasian rail freight traffic growth Rail Freight modal split * 1% of maritime traffic Asia - Europe EU- RUS EU RUS Asia- EU * Source (graphics): wikipedia

3Integrated Innovation for Eurasian market growth / TS Forum, Moscow / 23 March 2011 Most relevant European/Asian rail (freight) corridors with gauge changeover > Substitution of maritime container transport Asia – Europe > Europe – Russia (e. g. Pan-European Corridors 2, 3, 5) > In Spain, Spain – France, Finland – Baltic Source (graphics): wikipedia

4Integrated Innovation for Eurasian market growth / TS Forum, Moscow / 23 March 2011 All elements of Euraisan rail transport products need innovative solutions for meeting market requirements 1.Market models, freight revenues sharing, custom formalities, harmonised bill of lading,.. 2.Production / operation, terminal processes, rolling stock efficiency,… 3.Gauge changeover technologies, wheelsets, fixed installations, bi-system wagon compatibility,… CIM / SGMS Integrated innovation required for market success One optimised element is not sufficient! focus of this presentation

5Integrated Innovation for Eurasian market growth / TS Forum, Moscow / 23 March 2011 Pros and cons of gauge changeover technologies procontra Reloading goods / system interface > No special wagon / wheelset technology > Systems do not mix > Optimal for container traffic (also Asia-EU) Not for dangerous goods, high quality consumer‘s/ industrial goods Wheelset / bogie change Lower costs than with wagons with automatic changeover wheelsets Wagons must return to bogie/ wheelset changing infrastructure (store) Wheelsets with automatic gauge changeover Flexibility in wagon operation > Compatibility of systems > Reliability (up to now) > Costs (up to now)

6Integrated Innovation for Eurasian market growth / TS Forum, Moscow / 23 March 2011 State of the art of automatic gauge changeover technologies Automatic gauge changer technologies evolution TCRS1 Allows the pass of TALGO and CAF Technologies by means of two reclining platforms. To move the platforms, a complex hydraulic system is needed. Appropriate for places with space restrictions. Source: Ruth de San Dámaso Martín, ADIF

7Integrated Innovation for Eurasian market growth / TS Forum, Moscow / 23 March 2011 State of the art of automatic gauge changeover technologies Automatic gauge changer technologies evolution TCRS2 Allows the pass of TALGO and CAF Technologies by means of two horizontally moving platforms. Easy and reliable movement. Hydraulic System Optimization. More economic installation. Source: Ruth de San Dámaso Martín, ADIF

8Integrated Innovation for Eurasian market growth / TS Forum, Moscow / 23 March 2011 State of the art of automatic gauge changeover technologies Automatic gauge changer technologies evolution TCRS3 “TALGO-CAF GAUGE CHANGER” Single Platform, two positions Source: Ruth de San Dámaso Martín, ADIF “TALGO-CAF GAUGE CHANGER” SECTION WITH CAF POSITION “TALGO-CAF GAUGE CHANGER” SECTION WITH TALGO POSITION

9Integrated Innovation for Eurasian market growth / TS Forum, Moscow / 23 March 2011 State of the art of automatic gauge changeover technologies Freight wagon example: TSP system SUW2000 (“ANDRZEJ”, S.A., Zawadzkie, Poland) Both for SUW2000 and DB Rafil V systems. Gauge change with fully loaded wagons Mockawa (Lithuania) ZNTK Poznan (test)

10Integrated Innovation for Eurasian market growth / TS Forum, Moscow / 23 March 2011 State of the art of automatic gauge changeover technologies Automatic gauge changer technologies evolution TCRS4 “UNICHANGER” Allows the pass of CAF, Talgo, Rafil-DB and SUW2000 technologies with one unique platform. Includes improvements of TCRS3 prototype. ADIF intends development. Commutation between different technologies is performed in seconds. Length to be increased to adapt to RAFIL and PKP technologies. Source: Ruth de San Dámaso Martín, ADIF

11Integrated Innovation for Eurasian market growth / TS Forum, Moscow / 23 March 2011 Technology challenges for EU-Russian rail freight market growth > Compatible (or one) automatic gauge changeover system > Reliable systems (wheelsets and fixed installations), especially under winter conditions > Reduced costs for automatic gauge changeover system > Compatibilty update for UIC / OSShD 516 for interoperable freight wagons and bogies („UIC / OSShD“ towards „TSI / OSShD“) > Complement ERA WP 1520 activities (considering non EU-countries requirements) (UIC feasibility study on automatic gauge changeover systems will point out e. g. economic boundary conditions and deliver tools)

12Integrated Innovation for Eurasian market growth / TS Forum, Moscow / 23 March 2011 Priorities and integrated innovation for a focused market approach > Update TSI/OSShD requirements for wagons (UIC/OSShD working group!) > Develop (one standard or compatible) system for reliable automatic (wheelset) gauge changeover at moderate costs and interoperable TSI/OSShD wagons for 1. dangerous goods / tank wagons 2. wagons for goods with complicate reloading > Solve market/custom and operational problems in parallel. Technology innovation is only one part of the success! Integrated innovation

13Integrated Innovation for Eurasian market growth / TS Forum, Moscow / 23 March 2011 Thank you for your kind attention Dr.-Ing. Jens Engelmann Vice Chairman UIC International Railway Research Board