“a technique that enables the computer to encode complex grammatical knowledge such as humans use to assemble sentences, recognize errors and make corrections”
CALL Hardcoded instructions Pre-configured assessment items Pre-specified mapping between learner response and error category ICALL Adaptive instructions Dynamic assessment item generation Automated mapping using NLP techniques
CALL Teacher centric rather than learner centric Explosion in learner responses Explicit learner response to error mapping not feasible Highly constrained learner responses Not sufficient for self-learning ICALL Abstract away from specific string entered by learner to more general classes of properties Generation of feedback, learner modeling, instructional sequencing can be based on small number of abstract properties NLP systems are not robust
Student NLP Feedback Designer LM Learner Modeling Instructional Sequencing Feedback Response Instruction Tutoring System
In form-focused ICALL, the interaction workflow proceeds as follows: In response to some prompt or question by the tutor, the student enters a sentence The sentence is forwarded to the parser for analysis of syntax validity The sentence passes the syntax validity check or The parser will fail in case the learner response is ill- formed The error is classified into generic error classes The error handler generate appropriate feedback to be presented to the learner.
Tutoring subsystem moderation of parser output withholding information alerting the student that something is wrong highlighting the location of errors classifying the errors correction or hint on errors showing the structural analysis of the sentence assign score against the learner response revisiting instruction sequence dynamically update student model
Vocabulary learning Diagnosis of learner error Correcting learner errors Language learning exercise generation
Lexical Hypothesis: Speaking is essentially lexicon driven (Levelt, 1989) Grammatical form can only be activated once a lexical item has been chosen Lexical items need to have a rich internal structure ▪ Meaning, syntactic, morphological and phonological properties Learning types Intentional Incidental
“An intelligent word-based language learning assistant” – Nerbonne and Dokter University of Groningen
The task Given a learner provided response, mark the errors Need to parse learner response Erroneous sentences are ill-formed Parsers expects the input sentence to be well- formed. Parsers should show tolerance to error
Overgenerate and rank Imposing ranking constraints on grammatical rule violation Mal-rules to allow parsing with specific errors Parse fitting Generate fragmented parse trees and try to fit them together Do not allow analysis of completely arbitrary ungrammatical input
Issues with English Language Learners (ELL) Concentration of errors are much higher than native learners. Using proofreading tools (e.g. MS Word)? ▪ Designed for native users ▪ Not very robust against foreign learner errors ▪ Targeted errors are small subset of learner errors
Error correction in machine translation output Data driven approach Classification approach ▪ Whether an article will be followed by a noun? ▪ Whether an article appearing before noun is correct? ▪ What would be the correct article? Language modelling approach ▪ Errors will most likely be located in the area with low LM score A hybrid system?
Influence of L1 No equivalent for a feature. ▪ Japanese and Russians face difficulty in learning articles Languages sharing features ▪ German and French learners find it easy to learn English article systems Transfer problem ▪ Positive transfer ▪ Negative transfer
Spelling errors Article usage Preposition usage Collocation errors
Negative transfer Correspondence between prepositions of any two languages is many-to-many घर पर at home, सड़क पर on the road Prepositions imposes semantic variation in the summer vs. during the summer Argument of predicates Nomilalization (removal of hazard vs remove the hazard) Type of argument (book in the box vs book on the table) Verb alteration (They loaded hay on the wagon vs They loaded the wagon with hay)
Phrasal Verbs (verb+particle) Non-compositional give vs give up Particles can move (put the switch off) Phrasal verbs often used with prepositions (give in to their demands) Idioms (in the house vs on the house) This is Kalyani in the house with all your favourite tunes “in the house” venue All the drinks were on the house “On the house” free
Indefinite article depends on countability of nouns Countable vs uncountable ▪ The price of a Spring Fest hoody is Rs ▪ The price of freedom is constant vigilance. Syntactic Some uncountable nouns can take indefinite article when attached with a preposition phrase (a knowledge of English) Discourse World knowledge
Learner Error Corpora Grammatical Error Detection Grammatical Error Correction Evaluation of Error Detection/Correction System