Unit 3 Lesson 5 Grade Imagine It Reading Series
Daily News I like going to the super market with my mom. The new supermarket in our town is huge. It has aisles and aisles of food. Whenever we go shopping, my mom lets me pick out a few things, such as cereal and fruit. I especially like spending time with my mom.
/open or closed/ grocery
Phonics and Fluency 1. grocery notice table secret 2. diner broken between recent 3. bigger better flutters winter 4. hidden rubbing dinner sitting
2. Timmy put the napkins on the table. 1. We ate dinner at the diner.
Open? Closed? 1. better 2. beside 3. faster 4. rewind 5. motion
Open? Closed? 1. table 2. running 3. summer 4. remote
Vocabulary arrangement…
…a plan. Selection Vocabulary
Vocabulary tingle…
…a stinging or tingling feeling. Selection Vocabulary
Vocabulary huddled…
…to crowd together. Selection Vocabulary
Vocabulary sharp…
…a exact. Selection Vocabulary
Vocabulary construction…
… to build something. Selection Vocabulary
Vocabulary aisles…
…a spaces between two rows. Selection Vocabulary
Daily News My grandpa and I like to eat dinner at the local diner. We like sitting at the table in the middle of the diner. I usually eat chicken and rice and have milk to drink. It is fun to eat with my grandpa.
Phonics and Fluency 1. grocery notice table secret 2. diner broken between recent 3. bigger better flutters winter 4. hidden rubbing dinner sitting
2. Timmy put the napkins on the table. 1. We ate dinner at the diner.
Dictation 1. begin 2. silent 3. tiger 4. pattern 5. summer 6. butter 7. butterfly 8. The butterfly had a pretty pattern.
1. We watched the workers at the ____________ site. Selection Vocabulary
Vocabulary … constuction
2. The students needed to pick up the paper in the _____________. Selection Vocabulary
Vocabulary …aisles
3. The football team _____________. Selection Vocabulary
Vocabulary …huddled
4. I have an ______________ with my mom to meet at McDonalds after school. Selection Vocabulary
Vocabulary … arrangement
5. Lunch is at twelve o’clock ____________. Selection Vocabulary
Vocabulary …sharp
6. When I was sitting on the floor my foot started to ______________. Selection Vocabulary
Vocabulary …tingle
Daily News I just wrote a letter to my grandma. I told her I scored the winning touchdown in my football game last week. I am going to take my letter to the post office and mail it. The letter should arrive in about three days. Have you ever mailed a letter at the post office?
/u/ u u_e _ew Long u _ue
/u/ few
/u/ curfew
/u/ nephew
/u/ view
/u/ hue
/u/ cue
/u/ rescue
/u/ avenue
/u/ unify
/u/ humid
/u/ uniform
/u/ community
/u/ use
/u/ cute
/u/ reuse
/u/ refuse
Phonics and Fluency 1.few curfewnephewview 2.huecuerescueavenue 3. unifyhumiduniformcommunity 4. use cutereuserefuse
2. My nephew lives on Lane Avenue. 1. My curfew is usually nine o’clock.
Syllabication 1. cur.few 2. neph.ew 3. res.cue 4. av.e.nue
Syllabication 1. u.ni.fy 2. hu.mid 3. u.ni.form 4. com.mu.ni.ty
Syllabication 1. re.use 2. re.fuse
Daily News Our neighborhood park on Oakland Avenue is an important part of the community. It is a place for people to gather together to talk. It is also a great place to play. The park is huge. It has a playground and a few soccer and football fields. Does your community have a park?
Phonics and Fluency 1.few curfewnephewview 2.huecuerescueavenue 3. unifyhumiduniformcommunity 4. use cutereuserefuse
2. My nephew lives on Lane Avenue. 1. My curfew is usually at nine o’clock sharp.
Dictation 1. preview 2. argue 3. continue 4. usual 5. cube 6. user 7. communicate 8. The pupils in the class went to the museum.
Phonics and Fluency 1. grocery notice table secret 2. diner broken between recent 3. bigger better flutters winter 4. hidden rubbing dinner sitting
2. Timmy put the napkins on the table. 1. We ate dinner at the diner.
Phonics and Fluency 1.few curfewnephewview 2.huecuerescueavenue 3. unifyhumiduniformcommunity 4. use cutereuserefuse
2. My nephew lives on Lane Avenue. 1. My curfew is usually nine o’clock.
Vocabulary arrangement…
…a plan. Selection Vocabulary
Vocabulary tingle…
...to sting. Selection Vocabulary
Vocabulary aisles…
... a space between rows of chairs. Selection Vocabulary
Vocabulary construction…
...something being built. Selection Vocabulary
Vocabulary sharp…
... the exact time. Selection Vocabulary
Spelling Words 1.open 2.humid 3. until 4. person 5. cancel
Spelling Words 6.fuel 7.begin 8. wagon 9. number 10. minus
Spelling Challenge Words 1. continue 2. dial 3. united 4. radio 5. moment