Testing Words Learn and practice these words to do your best on the MAP Test!
Define Tell the exact meaning Define the word product.
Support Give reasons to back up your answer Support your opinion with reasons why you think the Lewis and Clark Expedition was important.
Predict A guess about what will happen next Read the title and predict what you think this story will be about.
Describe Create a mental picture through words Tell about it in detail Describe how to find equivalent fractions.
Compare Tell how the main ideas are alike or similar Compare a cube and a rectangular prism.
Contrast Tell how the main ideas are different Contrast the main characters in each story.
Classify Arrange by group or category In spelling, we classify our words into different categories. Plant Animal Food
Summarize Tell the main parts in your own words. Write a paragraph that summarizes the story.
Persuade Convince using facts or reasoning What was the author’s purpose: to entertain, inform, or persuade?
Diagram An illustration or drawing with labeled parts Make a diagram showing the sequence of events in the story.
Graphic Organizer A diagram displaying information Create a graphic organizer comparing and contrasting animals and plants.
Explain Tell how or what in your own words. Explain your prediction.
Infer Make a good guess. Read between the lines. Use the clues from the story to make an inference about the characters feelings.
Advantage A benefit or gain (positive; thumbs up) One advantage of the covered wagon was that it carried supplies.
Disadvantage A loss or bad condition (negative; thumbs down) One disadvantage of the covered wagon was that it was heavy and hard to pull.
Benefit Something that does good to a person or thing (positive; advantage) List the benefits of being a United States citizen.
Sum Add Find the sum of 648 and 98.
Difference Subtract Find the difference of 8000 and 486.
Product Multiply Find the product of 48 and 97.
Quotient Divide Find the quotient of 648 and 8.
Analyze To examine something in great detail in order to understand it better or discover more about it.
Apply To make use of something to achieve a result or produce a product.
Compose To make something by combining together. To put things together to form a whole
Compute To calculate an answer or result
Construct To draw something accurately using measurements.
Convert To change units of one measurement into units of another. For ex. To convert 3 feet into 1 yard.
Create To produce something
Decompose To break something down, or be broken down, into smaller or simpler parts
Design To plan something
Determine To find out something after an investigation.
Display To make something visible or available for others to see create
Distinguish To be aware of a difference between two or more groups or things. To show that two or more groups of things are different from each other.
Estimate to make an approximate calculation of something.
Evaluate To consider or examine something in order to judge its value, quality, importance, extent, condition.
Extend To continue – as in a pattern or line
Gather To compile something such as information or ideas from various sources.
Generalize To infer a general conclusion.
Identify to recognize something and to be able to say what it is.
Interpret To establish or explain the meaning or significance of something.
Justify to give a reason or explanation why something was done. To give somebody an acceptable reason for taking a particular action
Measure To find out the size, length, quantity, or rate of something using an appropriate tool.
Model Create a numerical, algebraic, or physical representation of a given situation.
Order To arrange items in a particular way.
Recognize To identify a thing because of having perceived it before.
Reposition To put something in a new position.
Represent To represent something in a picture or with a model.
Select To choose something among several other items.
Solve To work out a solution to an equation or mathematical problem.
Tell To give an account in writing of events or facts.
Translate To move an object in a direct straight line without rotation.