CGC Chairs Web Conference October 26, 2011 Karen A. Williams Ned Garvey Plant Exchange Office National Germplasm Resources Lab Beltsville, Maryland


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Presentation transcript:

CGC Chairs Web Conference October 26, 2011 Karen A. Williams Ned Garvey Plant Exchange Office National Germplasm Resources Lab Beltsville, Maryland The NPGS Plant Exploration/Exchange Program

Role of the CGCs “Identify gaps in U.S. collections and develop proposals to fill these gaps through exchange and collaborative collecting trips.” Beet Morocco 2010

The NPGS Plant Exploration/Exchange Program Purpose: To fill gaps in the NPGS collections Administration: Plant Exchange Office (PEO), National Germplasm Resources Lab Funding: $125,000 annually Helianthus simulans Louisiana 2010

Plant exploration: field collection of samples of landraces and wild species not already conserved in genebanks Plant exchange: visits to foreign germplasm collections to assess collections and arrange for exchange Exploration vs. Exchange John Innes Center, U.K. Wild potato, U.S.

Proposals accepted yearly separate guidelines for exploration and exchange proposals – sent to CGCs in January endorsement by CGC and crop curator required pre-proposals for foreign explorations requested in April deadline is in July every year submission encouraged

NPGS Plant Explorations CamelinaGeorgia Small fruits (exchange)Canada Fruits and nutsAlbania AppleUnited States BeanUnited States SunflowerUnited States JohnsongrassUnited States AshUnited States Herbaceous ornamentalsUnited States Small fruits and mintUnited States PotatoUnited States

PEO Assistance with Proposals Contact us before developing a proposal We can offer advice on which countries are accessible for exploration PEO has contacts in many countries Contact us with germplasm needs even if you are not developing a proposal

Access to Plant Genetic Resources for International Explorations prior informed consent (PIC) obtained from national authorities in all countries that are parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Includes agreement on the sharing of benefits The SMTA of the International Treaty may be used to specify terms of access contacting national authorities managed by the Plant Exchange Office it is not possible to obtain PIC in many countries

Benefit Sharing Associated with NPGS Plant Explorations associated with most foreign explorations non-monetary “in-kind” benefits (training, equipment purchase, increase projects, etc.) increases the capacity of host country to conserve PGR determined in close consultation with host country partners examples of benefit sharing – training, regeneration of collected materials, equipment purchases

The future of Access for International Plant Explorations Use of SMTA may be more common (used to provide access to germplasm on two NPGS explorations and one exchange trip thus far) Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization -- a legally-binding agreement developed by the Parties to the CBD International Regime for Access and Benefit Sharing

Thank you!