Joint EAR/CoE Project “Strengthening Higher Education in Serbia” 1st Quality Assurance Workshop Belgrade November 2007 A EU-funded project managed by the European Agency for Reconstruction and implemented by the Council of Europe
CoE Focus in HE and Research The European Higher Education Area (EHEA)/ Bologna Process Recognition of qualifications CoE/UNESCO Lisbon Recognition Convention Public responsibility for higher education and research Higher Education Governance Support sharing experience in the elaboration of National Qualifications Frameworks Bilateral and regional cooperation and assistance
The Project’s Context Serbian National Report in the Bologna Process: ‘The work to be done on National Qualifications Framework and on the National Plan for Recognition of Qualifications will represent the largest forthcoming challenges in the next stage of implementation of the Bologna Process in Serbia.’
The Project’s Core Areas Recognition of Qualifications Framework for Higher Education Qualifications Legislative Review Quality Assurance in Higher Education
Activities and support for QA Assist CAQA, NCHE and Universities to implement the QA Promote student participation in QA Support intra-regional and international cooperation Promote benefits of QA
Expected Outcome Serbian ENIC is fully operational Serbian National Action Plan (NAP) is implemented Quality Assurance practice is in line with EHEA Standards and Guidelines A National Framework of Higher Education Qualifications is developed and piloted and a roadmap for its further implementation agreed Higher education legislation reviewed
Ministerial Conference of the Bologna Process Leuven, April 2009
Partners and Activities I joint identification of problems and solutions with Ministry of Education & Sport Serbian Conference of Universities Universities National Council for Higher Education Commission for Accreditation and Quality Assurance Students ENIC Centre of Serbia Social partners others
Partners and Activities II International expertise to develop solutions: support from the CoE’s Education Directorate, the EUA, ENQA, the ENIC/NARIC Network, and the EAR Ongoing process of discussion & endorsement of project results: Steering Committee CoE Project Team – project implementation – ensure linkage and coherence
Further Information? CoE contact: Silvija Miroslava Karen