Discussion Leader Karen Ethun
Title: Productive Collaborations Goal: Facilitate productive collaborations that lead to sustainable funding for Nanomedicine in the Gulf Coast –Seed Grants –R01 Grants –Creation of collaborative centers and programs that apply larger Federal Agency Funding –“Bottom-Up” Strategy: faculty driven
Barriers 1.Time for continued, sustained faculty participation and involvement 2.Ineffective dissemination of information 3.Access to shared facilities in TMC Need to increase awareness and to develop compilation of facilities in TMC
Strengths/Opportunities Proximity of key institutions having stellar nanomedicine knowledge and capabilities Several collaborative organizations – GCC (to be located in CRC), ANH -- with success in developing and sustaining collaborative research relationships. Key nanotechnology leaders who can serve as mentors and PI
Action Items Identify and create nanomedicine working groups with 4- 5 members within each institution –Faculty driven –Serve as points of contact ; information dissemination; facilitators of future workshops Monthly meetings/orientations targeting junior faculty & post-docs Leverage current funding to launch long-term funding. –Commit source for matching grants, seed grants Strengthen Gulf Coast nanotechnology involvement in Federal Agency research plans Develop educational/seminar courses available to students/researchers at TMC institutions Provide information about shared facilities and pursue institutional agreements that address access