© AUCC Charting the Course: Toward a Plan of Action for National Associations in Quality Cross-Border Higher Education Presentation by Karen McBride Vice-President, International Affairs AUCC Global Meeting of Associations November 2005
© AUCC Presentation Objectives Compare, contrast and distill recommendations of the Statement and the Draft Guidelines. What are the key “desired outcomes” in terms of HEIs actions? Map “desired outcomes” to national association functions. What elements of a plan of action do these recommendations suggest?
© AUCC Expectations for Action at Multiple Levels National Associations Membership provide leadership on CBHE issues and support members’ activities International level dialogue with sister organizations and engage in relevant international fora National level interact with governments and relevant non- governmental groups
© AUCC AUCC “Lenses” Represents 90 public and private not-for-profit universities and university-degree level colleges across Canada Governed by university rectors Interaction with various levels within institutions Mandate: to foster and promote the interests of higher education in Canada What we do: advocacy, policy development, membership services (analyzing and reporting trends, providing a forum to encourage dialogue), program initiatives (information resource, scholarships and international programs)
© AUCC Desired Outcome #1 (Statement/Guidelines) HEI develop a strong culture of quality at the institutional level Effective QA principles and practices in place Involvement of faculty and students Cross-border higher education (CBHE) held to comparable QA standards Commitment to continuous improvement Facilitate development of common QA principles at institutional level Promote dialogue on quality and sharing of good QA practice Develop shared vision of institutional QA principles at international level Desired outcomeInputs by AssociationsIndicators
© AUCC Source of “Indicators” Statement: Build a culture of ongoing quality review, feedback, and improvement by creating robust quality assurance processes at the institutional level which rely heavily on faculty expertise and incorporate the views of students. (Bullet 4 under “Recommendations for Higher Education Institutions and other Providers” p. 3) Draft Guidelines: Develop, maintain or review current internal quality management systems that make full use of the competencies of stakeholders such as academic staff, administrators, and students and take full responsibility for delivering higher education qualifications comparable in standard in their home country and across borders. (Bullet 3 under “Guidelines for higher education institutions/providers” p. 4)
© AUCC Desired Outcome #2 (Statement/Guidelines) HEIs operate transparently in their CBHE activities HEIs comply with due process in their home or their host country HEIs provide fulsome information on: - legal status; financial condition; award granting authority; course offerings; QA mechanisms Information provided by HEI agents is accurate and reliable Compile standard information on requirements to operate in various countries Promote streamlined procedures Develop “check list” for information provision Organize workshops on “learning outcomes” at national / international levels Develop one-stop information tools at national level Desired outcomeInputs by AssociationsIndicators
© AUCC Desired Outcome #3 (Statement/Guidelines) HEIs integrate best practices into their CBHE initiatives HEIs build on relevant existing knowledge (e.g., codes of good practice, etc.) HEIs participate in dialogue on good practice at national and/or international levels Organize national/ international workshops on codes of good practice, CBHE case studies, etc. Launch “Awards of Excellence in CBHE” program at international level Analyze and disseminate CBHE case studies Desired outcomeInputs by AssociationsIndicators
© AUCC Desired Outcome #4 (Guidelines) HEIs are better positioned to recognize each other’s qualifications Networks/partnerships which facilitate academic recognition are developed UNESCO/Council of Europe recommendations for foreign credential assessment are implemented Raise awareness of UNESCO/Council of Europe Recommendation on Criteria and Procedures for the Assessment of Foreign Qualifications Advocate for ratification of and/or effective implementation of UNESCO conventions Develop MOUs among sister organizations with similar criteria for membership Desired outcomeInputs by AssociationsIndicators
© AUCC Desired Outcome #5 (Statement) HEIs understand the issues and policy implications related to CBHE Association well- informed of members’ positions on related issues Active dialogue at the national level Active dialogue at international level Organize briefings for members Convene policy discussions with other key stakeholder groups (faculty, students, QA bodies, governments) Develop policy positions with Board Participate in relevant international fora to exchange views, pursue cooperative efforts, etc. Desired outcomeInputs by AssociationsIndicators
© AUCC Desired Outcome #6 (Statement) HEIs implement CBHE with a partnership mentality CBHE contributes to well-being of communities CBHE is culturally sensitive CBHE helps strengthen local capacity CBHE promotes responsible citizenship CBHE accessible to students with need Share models for institutional scholarship/bursary programs in CBHE Disseminate views of partners in “receiving countries” on ideal approaches to CBHE Advocate for government policies and programs which support higher education partnerships Desired outcomeInputs by AssociationsIndicators
© AUCC Desired Outcomes HEI develop a strong culture of quality at the institutional level HEIs operate transparently in their CBHE activities HEIs integrate best practices into their CBHE initiatives HEIs are better positioned to recognize each other’s qualifications HEIs understand the issues and policy implications related to CBHE HEIs implement CBHE with a partnership mentality Input by Associations: Potential Plan of Action
© AUCC Input by Associations: Potential Plan of Action Advocacy InternationalPromote streamlined procedures (#2) Advocate for government policies and programs which support higher education partnership (#6) NationalPromote streamlined procedures (#2) Advocate for ratification of and/or effective implementation of UNESCO conventions (#4) Advocate for government policies and programs which support higher education partnerships (#6) Membership
© AUCC Input by Associations: Potential Plan of Action Policy Development InternationalDevelop shared vision of institutional QA principles at international level (#1) Develop MOUs among sister organizations with similar criteria for membership (#4) NationalConvene policy discussions with other key stakeholder groups (faculty, students, QA bodies, governments) (#5) Develop policy positions with Board (#5) MembershipFacilitate development of common QA principles at institutional level (#1)
© AUCC Input by Associations: Potential Plan of Action Analyzing and Reporting Trends InternationalAnalyze and disseminate CBHE case studies (#3) National MembershipOrganize briefings for members (#5) Analyze and disseminate CBHE case studies (#3)
© AUCC Input by Associations: Potential Plan of Action Forum for Dialogue International Organize workshops on “learning outcomes” (#2) Organize workshops on codes of good practice, CBHE case studies, etc. (#3) Disseminate views of partners in “receiving countries” on ideal approaches to CBHE (#6) National Participate in relevant international fora to exchange views, pursue cooperative efforts, etc. (#5) Membership Promote dialogue on quality and sharing of good QA practice (#1) Organize workshops on “learning outcomes” (#2) Organize workshops on codes of good practice, CBHE case studies, etc. (#3)
© AUCC Input by Associations: Potential Plan of Action Information Resource InternationalCompile standard information on requirements to operate in various countries (#2) NationalDevelop one-stop information tools at national level (#2) MembershipDevelop “check list” for information provision (#2) Raise awareness of Council of Europe/UNESCO Recommendation on Criteria and Procedures for the Assessment of Foreign Qualifications (#4) Share models for institutional scholarship/bursary programs in CBHE (#6)
© AUCC Input by Associations: Potential Plan of Action Scholarships and International Programs InternationalLaunch “Awards of Excellence in CBHE” program at international level (#3) National Membership
© AUCC For more information on quality assurance at AUCC member institutions, visit: Karen McBride Vice-President, International Affairs AUCC