Quality Assuring Your Workforce Jacqui Key Derbyshire County Council Karen Hill Derby Hospital Foundation Trust
No Secrets (2000) Putting People First (2009) Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (2008) Prime Ministers Challenge on Dementia (DoH 2012) Social Care Institute for Excellence – Dignity Campaign Living Well with Dementia: A National Dementia Strategy(DoH 2009) Skills for Care – Principles for Supporting People with Dementia (2010) No Health without Mental Health (2012) HCPC Health Care Professions Council Think local Act Personal (2010) Making it real: Marking Progress towards personalised, community based support (2011) Autism Strategy: Fulfilling and Rewarding Lives (DOH 2010) Better Social Care and Health outcomes for people with Autism (Skills for Care 2011) The National End of Life Programme – Advanced Care Planning (NHS 2010) Supporting People to Live and Die Well NHS 2010) End of Life Care Strategy (2010) Personalisation through Person Centred Planning (DoH 2011) Valuing People: a New Strategy for Learning Disability for the 21st Century – a White Paper (DoH 2001)
What does quality in practice look like? What does quality in practice feel like? How do we know we have got it right? How do we sustain and enhance quality in practice?