Understanding Area Models for Multiplication
Making Sense of Multiplication Using any of the tools available at your table: Model 3 x 4
Meanings for multiplication Repeated addition xxxx xxxx xxxx Array xxxx Area Counting possibilities (I have 3 shirts and 2 pants, how many outfits?) 3
With materials at your table, use an area model to show: 6 x 13
Using an area model to calculate 6 x 13: x 13 = 78 Making Sense of Multiplication
Using an area model to calculate 6 x 13: x 106 x3 6 x 13 = 6 x (10 + 3) = (6 x 10) + (6 x 3) = = 78 Making Sense of Multiplication
With materials at your table, use an area model to show: 12 x 26
Using an area model to calculate 12 x 26: x 2010x 6 2 x 20 2 x 6 Making Sense of Multiplication 12 x 26 = (10 + 2) (20 + 6) = (10 x 20) + (10 x 6) + (2 x 20) + (2 x 6) = = 312
9 Mixed Number Multiplication Using a ruler and card, draw a rectangle that is by inches, and find the total number of square inches. Find your answer first by counting, then by multiplying. Compare your answers--are they the same?
10 Mixed Number Multiplication
11 Mixed Number Multiplication
Area model for fractions fractionareamodel.gsp fractionareamodel.gsp 12
A decimal example: 13