Activity 1 Action: Identifying data on eco-morphology and coastal habitats that is appropriate for understanding and assessing how coastal habitats are.


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Presentation transcript:

Activity 1 Action: Identifying data on eco-morphology and coastal habitats that is appropriate for understanding and assessing how coastal habitats are evolving. Objective: -To support the understanding and quantification of the physical and ecological processes.

Activity 2 Action: Explore innovative tools and methods for assessment and quantification of development- and use-related impacts on eco-morphology and coastal habitats Objective: - To evaluate and quantify the impact of use and development on coasts and estuaries - To identify existing tools and best practices - To work on potential improvements to the existing tools

Activity 3 Action: Produce a catalogue of well-proven and documented measures to counteract negative impacts of development ENCORA WIKI Objective: - To share the experiences gained by researchers and practitioners from the application of tools and methods to real-life cases. - To identify and address any gaps in the knowledge

Summary of activities Identify appropriate data to support the understanding and quantification of the physical and ecological processes Identify tools to assess and quantify the development- and use-related impacts on eco-morphology and coastal habitats Work on potential improvements to the existing tools Describe causes based on case studies Produce the ENCORA WIKI of well-proven and documented measures Share the experiences gained by researchers and practitioners from the application of tools and methods to real-life cases Address gaps in knowledge for further intervention

Critical issues 1.Topics: eutrophication, climate change, wetlands 2.Data: listing of available databases, overview of data 3.Tools: models, measurements 4.Case studies: regionally, thematic 5.Relevant projects: listing 6.Best practice, recommendations, Marine Policy 7.Networking: EU, gloablly, GEO, ESFRI 8.Capacity building

Theme 6 Effect of development and use on ecomorphology and coastal habitats -defined as the effects of human activities on coastal biotops Concepts based on: -System processes including development in time

Theme 6 concept Physics Geology Chemistry Biology

List of contributions Concepts 1.Ecosystem structure, functions, and values (use and non-use) Miltiadis 2.Biotopes (including classification) Olenin & Jean Paul 3.Bio-geointeraction Mindert 4.Food webs, productivity Miltiadis, NIOO 5.Biodiversity Marta 6.Eutrophication Pierre Regnier, Jesper H. Andersen 7.Acidification NIOZ: Katja Philippart 8.Coastal zone characteristics Ulrik Lumborg, Karen Edelvang 9.Spatial and temporal scales Ulrik Lumborg, Karen Edelvang, Mindert 10.Land-ocean interaction LOICZ: GKSS Kremer (Jean Paul) 11.Resilience, adaptation Pat Doody, Mike Elliot 12.Shift of the ecosystem Magdalena 13.Conservation and restoration of ecosystems Jean Paul, Pat Doody

Form  Overall language, style and accessibility Alex  Definitions through short sentences Thijs  Key words in front of text (English and national) All texts

Theme 6 topics Topics Climate change effects Magdalena Nutrient dynamics Pierre Regnier Pollution Theme 4 Human activities and their impact (e.g. fishery, tourism, agriculture etc) Militiadis with Theme 3 Threats to the coastal zone, natural and human induced Jean Paul Best practices Karen Edelvang Case studies Projects Networks Projects Karen Edelvang EU projects, national, regional, global projects SPICOSA, CONSCIENCE, MARBEF, EVALUWET, EUROLIMPACS, MESH, COSA, COASTMAN, BALTEX NGO’s Karen Edelvang

Regulation Jannette Van Buuren Water Framework Directive MARINE STRATEGY (environment) & MARITIME POLICY Bird Directive, Habitat Directive NATURA 2000 Ecosystem approaches Regional marine organisations : OSPAR, HELCOM, ICES etc. Precautionary principles Tools and methodologies To be coordinated with Theme 9 Habitat/biotopes mapping Marta Habitat assessment Miltiadis Models Pierre Regnier, Mindert, Ulrik Measurement techniques NIOO GIS Ulrik Lumborg Remote sensing Theme 9 Satellite imagery Theme 9 Data sources Mindert List of data sources Types of data: time periods, maps, locations New research issues Karen Edelvang Theme 6 topics

ENCORA WIKI  Delegation of responsibilities  Definition of writing groups  List of contributors  Identification of reviewers  Deadlines/communication scheme  31 March 2007