Preparing for the Smarter Balanced Assessments: English Language Arts & Mathematics Karen Brown Smith
Oregon’s Assessment of Knowledge and Skills… the statewide assessment system is still called ‘OAKS’
School districts are at different levels of implementing the Common Core State Standards
With that in mind, there is no one size fits all approach for preparing stakeholders
AGENDA Oregon Statewide Test Schedule Preparing for Oregon’s new statewide summative assessments in English Language Arts and Mathematics Oregon Statewide Assessment Accessibility Supports Provide time to explore the resources we talked about today
OBJECTIVE Recognize that all school districts are at different levels with regards to CCSS implementation. Explore resources available to prepare staff, students, and parents for Oregon’s new statewide summative assessments in English/Language Arts and Mathematics. Overview of Oregon’s accessibility supports (formerly “accommodations manual”) for all of the statewide assessments.
What this training is not This training today does not count as any required training to administer statewide assessments. We will not focus on information that you will receive during your mandatory OAKS training that ODE requires. – This year ODE has pre-recorded training modules that DTCs must watch prior to the DTC Training
Schedule You have a handout that displays the testing schedule in timetable format – The Smarter Balanced testing window opens March 10 (ELA and Math: includes CAT and PT) Test grades 3-8 after 66% of instructional calendar is complete Test grade 11 after 80% of instructional calendar is complete With this schedule in mind, when is the best time for you to administer interim and formative assessments locally?
Content Resources Subject Specific Materials
Common Core State Standards- Content Area Resources (screenshot next slide) Content Resources
When you select ‘Mathematics’, this is what you see... Content
When you select ‘Mathematics Standards’... this is what you see. Content
When you select ‘Administrators’ Content Resources
When you select Administrators, review tools, and parent materials Content
Common Core State Standards Webpage Content Resources
Common Core State Standards Webpage From this page, Select Toolkits Then English Teachers Then Implementation Content Resources
Then Click on Reading
ELA Literacy and Resources Content Resources
Statewide Assessment Reference Page Oregon’s Statewide Assessment Reference Page
MOVING FORWARD and beyond OAKS Reading and WritingSmarter Balanced ELA OAKS MathSmarter Balanced Math OAKS Science and Social Science Extended Assessment ELPA Kindergarten Assessment NEW
Statewide Assessment Reference Page
Test Specifications and Blue Prints Smarter Balanced Test Blueprints- ELA & Math
Test Specifications and Blue Prints Number of test items by item type and claim (SRC) by grade level
Test Specifications and Blue Prints Grade Level Content Specifications by Claim #, assessment target, and item types
Test Specifications and Blue Prints Item/Task Specifications- provide guidance on how to translate content specifications into assessment items
PREPARING FOR THE ASSESSMENTS Smarter’s ELA & Math Practice and Training Tests OAKS Practice Tests (available late October) Smarter’s ELA & Math Accessibility Supports Training Modules Oregon’s statewide assessment accessibility supports IEP/504 Meeting- ISAAP Tool TIDE (Pre-Set Designated Supports and Accommodations)
Smarter Balanced ELA & MATH PRACTICE & TRAINING TESTS Practice Tests: Allow teachers, students and parents and other interested parties to experience a full grade-level assessment (Approx. 30 items each in ELA and Math, as well as Performance Tasks) Training Tests: Designed to provide students and teachers with opportunities to quickly familiarize themselves with the software and navigation tools. All embedded universal tools, designated supports and accommodations are available to use on the training tests(CAT items only, no Performance Tasks).
Smarter Balanced ELA & MATH PRACTICE & TRAINING TESTS DEMO ODE highly recommends that every student take both the practice and training tests before taking the new summative assessments. The practice and training tests can assist IEP/504 teams to determine which universal tools, designated supports and accommodations are needed for each individual student to be successful on the new assessments.
Smarter Balanced ELA & MATH PRACTICE & TRAINING TESTS DEMO Log into the Practice or training test as a guest When the test item appears, right click on it and a pull-down menu will appear, select Tutorial Reminder, if you want to use Text To Speech, you must use the secure browser to login to the practice/training test
Smarter Balanced ELA & MATH ACCESSIBILITY SUPPORTS TRAINING MODULES “LET’S TALK TOOLS” /DocumentViewRouter.ashx?Cust=77532 &DocumentID=e2486dcc-d c-aa4a- 348cba44d48e&Popped=True&v=2&InitialPage=presentation.html /DocumentViewRouter.ashx?Cust=77532 &DocumentID=e2486dcc-d c-aa4a- 348cba44d48e&Popped=True&v=2&InitialPage=presentation.html “ACCESSIBILITY AND ACCOMMODATIONS” /DocumentViewRouter.ashx?Cust=7753 2&DocumentID=3d28a842-e6df bc1afb4cba72&Popped=True&v=5&InitialPage=presentation.html
Oregon’s Statewide Assessment Accessibility Supports
All accessibility supports a student receives on the statewide assessments should mirror the supports currently being provided in classroom instruction and assessments.
ODE developed an Accessibility Supports training module that discusses testing options for students. This is a required training for DTCs, STCs, and Test Administrators. OREGON ACCESSIBILITY
Significant Shifts (per OAKS-Smarter Crosswalk) WORKING WITH ACCESSIBILITY SUPPORTS SupportComment Alternate response optionSmarter AT device certification process ASLASL only Calculator, hand-heldAccommodation Calculator, onlineRestricted access Formula and conversion sheets (ODE-provided)Non-allowable List of common transitions/transitional phrasesNon-allowable ManipulativesNon-allowable Print on demandAccommodation Read-aloud Designated Support (items); Accommodation (passages) Text-to-Speech Designated Support (items); Accommodation (passages) Translations (stacked)Non-allowable (ELA-Writing)
DOCUMENTING ACCESSIBILITY SUPPORTS ON A STUDENT’S IEP Accessibility Supports can be Addressed in Four Sections of the IEP: 1. “Consideration of Special Factors” [Sec. 614 (d)(3)(B)]. 2. “Present Levels of Academic and Functional Performance (PLAAFP)” [Sec. 614 (d)(1)(A)(i)(I)]. 3. “Participation in Assessments” [Sec. 612 (a)(16)]. 4. “Supplementary Aids and Services” [Sec. 602 (33) and Sec 614 (d)(1)(A)(i)].
OREGON ACCESSIBILITY SUPPORTS: UPDATE Interim Oregon Accessibility Manual (OAM) is posted Final TAM- per Smarter Balanced finalization of policies and procedures. Accessibility supports may change in the future if additional tools, supports, or accommodations are identified for the assessment based on state experience and research findings.
NEXT STEPS/CONSIDERATIONS To what extent are you familiar with the processes and/or resources available to address the linguistic, cognitive, and physical demands of the computer-based statewide summative assessments? To what extent do you feel prepared to engage in a process that will ensure every student who participates in the statewide summative assessments in your district receives the Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodations that fulfill their needs?
RESOURCES Smarter UAA Guidelines, FAQs, & Training Modules: Smarter-OAKS Accessibility Crosswalk: Smarter Practice/Training Test Oregon’s Essential Skills
RESOURCES OAKS User Guides (Test Administrator, Online Reporting, Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE)) Test Administration Manual admin_manual.pdf admin_manual.pdf District Test Coordinators Page Test Security
RESOURCES Technical Specifications Manual techspecs_manual.pdf Operating System Support Plan content/uploads/2014/07/ _SupportPlan_Oregon.pdf content/uploads/2014/07/ _SupportPlan_Oregon.pdf Assessment and Accountability Update Assessment & Accountability Checklist cctbltychecklist1415.pdf cctbltychecklist1415.pdf
Field Test Findings Students indicated that they need more practice typing. – Add this item to your preparation plan.
Smarter Balanced Training- FREE English Language Arts, Ken Hermens – October 22, Pendleton Convention Center 9:00-4:00 Mathematics, Bryan Toller – October 24, Pendleton Convention Center 9:00-4:00 2 hours training=1 PDU Lunch is provided Signup on IMESD Professional Development webpage