Accommodations and Supports
Student Data Profile Parental Input: Karen’s father participated by telephone in the parent- teacher conference. He was happy with her grades last year, but concerned about the amount of time it takes Karen to complete her homework assignments most nights. He works the evening shift and is not always home to help her when she needs it.
Identify current skills, knowledge and areas of instructional need: Karen is a 6 th grade student identified as having a disability in the areas of written expression, reading fluency and comprehension. She has been diagnosed with dyslexia (clinical) by Dr. Sue Jones, a local psychologist. Karen’s initial evaluation in April 2011 indicated her cognitive ability falls in the average range as does her achievement in math calculation and applied problems. Karen scored in the mastery range for math and science on the 5 th grade WESTEST 2 assessment, and partial mastery on reading/language arts and social studies. She receives no related services. Karen receives instruction in reading and English in the resource room. She attends general education classes for all other subjects. Karen requires extended time to complete grade-level reading assignments. Karen’s reading comprehension levels increased from the 2.5 grade level to the 4.0 grade level during her 5 th grade year, as measured by her Lexile score. The Lexile measure represents a student’s level on a developmental scale of reading ability. She has progressed in written expression to the level of writing complete paragraphs consisting of four to five sentences Karen met two of three reading goals, and three of three written expression goals on her prior IEP. She has not mastered the goal of accurately identifying the central idea of a text and is unable to differentiate between essential and nonessential information. Karen demonstrates good work habits and age-appropriate social skills.
Grade Level Expectations Sixth grade students provide a summary of reading without personal opinions or judgments. They write a variety of pieces, including research projects, and use technology to publish the work. When presenting students place descriptions, facts, and details in logical order.
Targeted Objective ELA.6.R.C1.5 determine a central idea of an informational text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.
Universal Design for Learning UDL Resource:
Strengths and Needs
Goals By June 2015 when presented with grade-level reading passages Karen will read fluently at 125 wpm on 8 of 10 passages. By June 2015 given a grade appropriate 4-5 paragraph passage Karen will identify the main idea of the information text in 4 of 5 work samples.
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Accommodations and Supports When possible, reading and writing choices are correlated with text-dependent responses that connect to student interest. Karen may use graphic organizers to illustrate main ideas and supporting details from reading assignments. Karen will practice comprehension and main idea of informational text using daily and will track her own progress. Karen will work in small groups to produce 4 multimedia documentaries through the school year.
Accommodations and Supports Groups will use CAST Strategy Tutor to guide their research and read strategically. ( Karen and her classmates and teacher will use Edmodo to communicate, share resources and presentations to authentic audiences.
Accommodations and Supports Karen will use CAST Book Builder to practice audio supported reading to increase fluency and to translate information from her literature assignments. Karen will create multimedia Math tutorials that will be posted online and used by students in the lower grades.
Graphic Organizers organizers/printable/6293.html organizers/printable/6293.html htm htm htm#classmanagement htm#classmanagement ml/graphicorganizers.html ml/graphicorganizers.html
Multimedia Presentation Tools PowerPoint Training
Sources for AIM and free eBooks Priory Woods
Additional Resources