May 20, Compare and Contrast: Information Lifecycle Approaches to File Share and Content Karen Ehrlich Angela Amrine Carol Stainbrook
The Launch Industry and regulatory environment Organization size Organizational culture RIM organization RIM relationships Maturity 2
The Impetus Business improvement / knowledge share Resource consumption and growth rates Risk mitigation Tools / Automation required for effective implementation 3 Senior leadership support
The Strategy Goals and desired outcomes Appetite for change Comprehensive or incremental User impact Planned user interaction during deployment Security 4
The Roles and Responsibilities Central RIM program IT support RIM network Power users Business operations Management Knowledge workers 5
The Enhancement Scope User interface Training Deployment process 6
The Transformation! Ongoing use of the file share Disposition management Distinction by the value of the information Approval versus notification processes Growth rates Security 7
8 Compare and Contrast: Information Lifecycle Approaches to File Share and Content Q A &
9 Karen Ehrlich Angela Amrine Carol Stainbrook