RC Update March 26, 2015
Agenda Introductions Updates Educational Sessions: Web Sign Ups, Karen Paquin Boat or Bag, Jay Kehoe March 26, 2015
Introductions State your name Tell us: What is your favorite part of the CYC Refresher? Or if you have never been: What are you looking forward to learning at the Refresher? March 26, 2015
Updates: Staff Changes Sean is leaving us! Karen has joined us! March 26, 2015
Karen Paquin March 26, 2015 Before CYC, Karen worked at Southwestern Yacht Club during the Louis Vuitton Challenger Series in She has been an active member of the Coronado Yacht Club for 26 years where she has enjoyed racing, cruising and volunteering. After relocating to the midwest 6 years ago, Karen has worked for the Geneva Lake Sailing School as well as Line Honors.
One Day Race Management Seminar 30 people Several CYC RC volunteers passed the test for Club Race Officer. If they are interested in being certified ROs: Competency in all RC positions US Sailing membership Complete the paperwork Steering Comm. approves, Lou signs March 26, 2015
Schedule 2015 Open for Sign Ups! March 26, 2015
CYC bidding: Blind World Championships Blind sailors from around the world 3 classes, based on level of vision One sighted guide on each team Borrowed boats Sonars, Tom 28s September 10 – 13, 2015
Key Dates Icebreaker March 28 & 29 Frostbite Starts March RYF Starts May 16 Beer Cans Skyline Series Start May 20 Baker HS Team Race Champ May NOOD June Mac Starts July 10, 11 NACC Aug 1-3 Offshore Verve Aug 7-9 Inshore Verve Aug Sheldon Clark Sept 19 March 26, 2015
Race Committee Meetings RC Refresher, April 11 – noon to 5:00 All RC volunteers should attend Special Sessions in the morning Boat Drivers Scoring May 13, Monroe 6:30 March 26, 2015
Quiz- Where can you find the schedules? March 26, 2015
Updates Lots going on in the background Policy - Janet Assignments- Janet RC Forms- Amy Clothing- Jill Erik’s Booklet- Rick PRCC guidance & recruiting- KK Race Documents- Joanne Planning & scheduling- Janet March 26, 2015
2015 RC Policy Added requirements to be on the RC Steering Committee and RC Policy Sub Committee Clarifications of points awarded for scoring an event; 10 points earned for special regattas, 5 points for all other events The CYC burgee and CYC RC Logo may only be used on approved RC apparel. March 26, 2015
Assignments Please sign up as soon as you can. It helps our planning tremendously. Send an to one of us if you have special requests. Race Officers- we are trying to assign all events now, so sign up! Janet B, Jay, Rick, Helle, Amy S, Karen P
Sign Up by these Dates! March 26, 2015
RC Forms Trial for a few weeks New : RO Cover Sheet & Organization Revised: Recorder’s Summary Sheet Recorder’s log Finish Sheet Mark Rounding Sheet Timer Script Scorer will collate your paperwork March 26, 2015
Clothing New Race Committee logo. Order your 2015 Race Committee shirt Available in Nany Blue and White Long sleeves too. New Gear added this season: Helly Hansen Vest.(available at secret site only!)
Erik’s Booklet – Who’s Erik Once upon a time, eager volunteer, Erik Schneider compiled his personal notes into a handy booklet for himself and made a few extra copies. It has grown into a must-have item for race officers and regular RC volunteers. In addition to producing this booklet, Erik has worked tirelessly to coordinate meetings, illuminate race documents and encourage new RC volunteers. March 26, 2015
What’s in Eric’s Booklet Pre-race prep On the Water reference New: instructions for stop watches, voice recorders, GPS, new knot diagrams Rick Lillie, Jeff Cross & Tanya Whitehead Publication Date: 411 March 26, 2015
PRCC Guidance & Recruiting Thanks to new volunteers: Christopher Collins Alina Dix Jen Steffler Amy Schwartz Volunteers needed for: - 5/22/15 Baker HS Team Race Nationals -6/26/15 Hamilton Trophy -7/1/15 Old Guard Race March 26, 2015
Race Documents 3 events complete 10 NORs posted, 7 In progress 12 Not started Need PRCC’s for 9 Events Need Drafters for 7 events Current plan is to complete all documents by end of April.
Race Documents March 26, 2015
Coming Up Icebreaker Sat & Sun High schools, 420s Inside the harbor Frostbite Every Sunday, including Easter March 26, 2015