Technology Exploration – Semantics Karen Moe NASA Earth Science Technology Office WGISS-37 Meeting April 14-18, 2014
Agenda Overview of Semantic Technology Development SWEET: Semantic Web for Earth and Environmental Terminology SESDI: Semantically Enabled Scientific Data Integration Community efforts on semantic web Goal Terminology => Taxonomy => Ontology => Tools for Discovery & Use of satellite-derived knowledge
Semantic Web for Earth and Environmental Terminology SWEET is a concept space Enable scalable classification of Earth system science concepts (and expanded to space science) Anyone can import, expand and specialize the work of others -No need to regenerate a physics, chemistry, or math ontology Concept space is translatable into other languages/cultures using ‘sameAs’ notions SWEET initially created to capture relationships between GCMD keywords -Controlled keywords represented as a taxonomy -Uncontrolled keywords - data provider may submit additional uncontrolled keywords within their metadata records Initial development: Rob Raskin/JPL Current: Thomas Huang/JPL
SWEET – Upper Level Earth Science Ontology v /2004 DAML+OIL - to capture relationships between GCMD keywords v /2009 OWL v /2011 OWL-DL v /2011 OWL Full v /2011 OWL Full - highly modular with over 6000 concepts in 200 separate ontologies v2.4 – in Progress (T. Huang/JPL for DARPA) SWEET is an Upper-Level Ontology Common definitions for terms use in multiple disciplines Common language in support of community and multidisciplinary activities Common ‘properties’ (relations) for tool developers Reduce burden on creators of specialized domain ontologies
SWEET Information Current SWEET Users (2014) ESML - Earth Science Markup Language ESIP - Earth Science Information Partner Federation GEON - Geosciences Network GENESIS - Global Environmental & Earth Science Information System IRI - International Research Institute (Columbia) LEAD - Linked Environments for Atmospheric Discovery MMI - Marine Metadata Initiative NOESIS – Semantic Search Engine and Resource Aggregator for Atmospheric Science PEaCE - Pacific Ecoinformatics and Computational Ecology SESDI - Semantically Enabled Science Data Integration VSTO - Virtual Solar-Terrestrial Observatory AVM – DARPA Adaptive Vehicle Make The SWEET distribution site averages over 200K hit each month across the globe by SWEET-enabled applications and tools Thomas Huang Jet Propulsion Laboratory 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Mail Stop , Pasadena, CA Phone: , Cell: ,
Semantically Enabled Scientific Data Integration: SESDI Methodology Benedict, J., D. McGinness, and P. Fox, AGU 2007
ESIP Federation
tiwg/semantic-web/earth-science-data-system-projects- using-semantic-web
Next Steps Need for information content to support CEOS disasters pilots Proposal for collaboration between WGISS and ESIP Federation to develop methodology to identify key terms in Disaster domains -Terminology -Classification -Relationships WGISS-37 discussion tomorrow -Support to CEOS WG Disasters