Great Place to Work – Senior Responsible Officer Cathy Kennedy Template for work stream leads (to be completed by 6 th June 2014) Name of work stream: Enabling Mobility Name(s) of work stream lead: Karen Berry, Andrew Cheesman
Project Outline Objectives The aim of enabling mobility is to secure and enhance the future for finance staff by proactively managing and developing talent, through creating cross-boundary career paths with cross-fertilisation. This project will attempt to identify the main barriers to mobility and how they can be addressed to enable (more) mobility of staff. The project will also identify the benefits from enabling mobility so that these benefits can be used to promote more secondments for NHS finance staff. Scope Secondment arrangements will be reviewed to understand how mobility can be enhanced. Secondments will be analysed by a.) time, b.) professional roles and c.) location/employing body and d.) type. Process to support staff changing positions through recruitment procedures will not be considered as part of this project. The project will also review the barriers to secondments for NHS staff and options for overcoming these barriers.
Potential expenditure There are no costs expected to arise from this workstream for the work planned through to October 2014 beyond travel expenses for up to 2 face to face review meetings for the work stream leads. If there are recommendations for further work to be commissioned this is likely to be at a cost to be determined.
Stakeholder map Workstream development – a representative sample of CFOs and Heads of Finance from: Trusts and FTs (including different types of providers) CCGs NHS England (central, regional and Area Teams) National ALBs – Monitor, TDA, HEE, PHE National/regional support services– NHS PS, CSUs Final workstream output to benefit: All NHS Finance staff in England All Clinical, operational and policy leads in the NHS in England
Timescales Next Steps Perceptions and experiences of recent secondments will be surveyed during the period June to September 2014, reviewed and explored with: a sample of CFOs of different NHS bodies; a sample of all levels of finance staff within different NHS bodies; a sample of different professional managers within NHS bodies (with regards secondments of finance staff into their operational and professional functions); Accountancy firms engaged with the NHS; Other partner organisations with well establishment programmes of secondment, e.g. Royal Colleges; In addition, any relevant research projects on this area will be reviewed. A paper detailing the findings, together with options and recommended solutions will be prepared by the end of October An outcome of the final paper maybe a recommendation for further work to be commissioned.
Risks No engagement from finance community to identify current barriers and best practice to enabling mobility No sign up by CFOs to the recommended options