Benfer Elementary GT PTO November 18, :30 – 4:30
Introductions Principal – Dr. Loraine Lambert Assistant Principal – Jennifer Williams School Counselor – Meghan Blakey Campus GT Liaison – Karen Jones District GT Liaison – Chris Winkler GT Teachers – 1st – Britann Pallavicini 2 nd – Tameka Richardson & Heidi Smith 3 rd – Patty Hall & Kimberlee Slaughter 4 th – DeLin Konicki & Claudia Smith 5 th – Karen Jones
GT Parent Communication Letters These will go home with report cards every 9 weeks. The PCL is to inform you of the differentiation and extension opportunities & activities that were provided during the 9 weeks period. The PCL also gives the students a chance to reflect on those opportunities and activities. Should you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher.
Duke TIP Duke University’s Talent Identification Program -All GT students in grades 4-6 are eligible. Enrollment is going on now and continues throughout the year. Please see for more information and registration. Our school code is BH.
Texas Performance Standards Project Independent research project completed by all GT students in grades 1 – 12 Teacher uses Independent Investigations Model (IIM) or other structured research model to guide students through TPSP process in class Some portions of the project may be done at home
September: Explore with an Open Mind Students can integrate new information and ideas to existing knowledge and ideas. 1.Choose a task/project and identify its components 2.Narrow down interest 3.Begin a list of tentative sources
October: Build the Foundation Students will have a solid understanding of their interest and audience 1.Develop question that explore depth 2.Use note-taking strategies to answer questions
November/December: Develop a Plan of Action Students will identify a purpose for their research that is relevant to the world around them. 1.Develop questions that explore complexity 2.Understand and complete a research proposal 3.Identify a burning question that could impact you and the world around you.
January: Gather Data Students will use a variety of methods and resources to collect information. 1.Chose methods and collect information 2. Observations, surveys, interviews, document analysis
February/March: Organize, Analyze, & Synthesize Students will sort data and make connections across time, location, culture, and subject areas to create new thinking. 1.Identify and represent patterns and trends from collected data 2.Create visual representations which communicate big ideas, conclusions, and different perspectives. 3.Determine if more data collection is needed based on conflicting or ambiguous data
May: Share Findings Students will effectively communicate the results of their research. 1.Create a 10 minute presentation that communicates the research question, sources of information, data collection & analysis, product, and conclusions 2.Refine presentation to include language of the discipline 3.Practice Presentation 4.Campus TPSP Showcase – date TBA 5.District TPSP Showcase – all of 4 th grade; 2 from all other grade levels – date TBA
TPSP Websites (TPSP homepage) 9a.html 9a.html (state law for GT student services) omehttp:// ome (homepage) psphttp:// psp (Klein site for TPSP)