Spring Slide 1 Alumni Events Spring 2006 Campaign for Gallaudet’s Future
SLCC Spring Slide 2 James Lee Sorenson Language and Communication Center West Entry
SLCC Spring Slide 3 Model of West Entry
SLCC Spring Slide 4 North Entry
SLCC Spring Slide 5 Model of North Entry
SLCC Spring Slide 6 From 2nd Floor To West Entry
SLCC Spring Slide 7 View to Student Labs
SLCC Spring Slide 8 From West Entry to North Entry
SLCC Spring Slide 9 View to the Dorms
SLCC Spring Slide 10 Deaf Space Workshop
SLCC Spring Slide 11 Glass-Front Elevators
SLCC Spring Slide 12 Deaf Time Line
SLCC Spring Slide 13 Visual Access
SLCC Spring Slide 14 East Elevation James Lee Sorenson Language and Communication Center South Elevation
SLCC Spring Slide 15 Department Reception Areas View to Football Field
SLCC Spring Slide 16 Academic Departments ASL and Deaf Studies Communication Studies Government and History Hearing, Speech, and Language Sciences Linguistics Sociology Department Student Labs Department Conference Rooms Department Video Labs
SLCC Spring Slide 17 Shared and Public Spaces Student Media Center Seven (7) Classrooms Collaboration Room Faculty Lounge and Work Rooms Student Work Rooms Eight (8) Video Relay Service Booths Hearing, Speech, and Language Clinic Atrium - Amphitheatre
SLCC Spring Slide 18 Classroom Layout
SLCC Spring Slide 19 Connecting the New and Old
SLCC Spring Slide 20 Timeless Connection to Campus Architecture
SLCC Spring Slide 21 Google Earth IKJ SAC MTB WAB HMB MLC SLCC
SLCC Spring Slide 22 Exterior Landscaping
SLCC Spring Slide 23 Campus Master Plan
SLCC Spring Slide 24 Vision Workshop Deaf Space Workshop SLCC Schedule Programming Bid Process Construction Drawings Design Development Schematic Design Construction March 2006 Sept 2006 March 2008 March 2005 December 2004 Campus Input November 2003 First Presentation on Campus
SLCC Spring Slide 25 Planning Workshops
SLCC Spring Slide 26 Design Meetings
SLCC Spring Slide 27 Green Building Design Seeking LEED Certification – Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Build Green. sustainable site development, water savings, energy efficiency, materials selection and indoor environmental quality
SLCC Spring Slide 28 slcc.gallaudet.edu (continued …) SmithGroup Heery International
SLCC Spring Slide 29 SLCC Naming Opportunities
SLCC Spring Slide 30 SLCC Naming Opportunities
SLCC Spring Slide 31 SLCC Donors $5,000,000 or more The Sorenson Family $1,000,000 - $4,999,999 Sherman Fairchild Foundation The Starr Foundation $500,000 - $999,999 Mr. Jameson and Mrs. Meredith Crane
SLCC Spring Slide 32 SLCC Donors $100,000 - $499,999 The Clark-Winchcole Foundation Estate of Mr. George Finney The J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation Ralph M. Parsons Foundation Pepco Holdings, Inc. Polycom, Inc.
SLCC Spring Slide 33 SLCC Donors $25,000 - $99,999 Russell W. Coe Fund of the Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Marshall B. Coyne Foundation, Inc. Lois & Richard England Foundation Kantor Foundation, Inc. Dr. I. King & Mrs. Linda K. Jordan Kresge Foundation
SLCC Spring Slide 34 SLCC Donors $25,000 - $99,999 (continued) SLCC Co-Chairs (Dr. Thomas Allen, Dr. M.J. Bienvenu, Ms. Cathy Sweet-Windham) Mr. David Stern Ms. Patricia A. Underbrink
SLCC Spring Slide 35 SLCC Donors $10,000 - $24,999 Mr. Joseph A. Barrett, Sr. Dr. James J. & Dr. Jane K. Fernandes Mr. J. B. Fuqua Ms. Eva L. Headley Dr. Tom Humphries & Dr. Carol A. Padden Dr. Cynthia M. King
SLCC Spring Slide 36 SLCC Donors $10,000 - $24,999 (continued) Rev. William M. & Mrs. Vera B. Lange The Nelson J. and Katherine Friant Post Foundation Mrs. Norma D. Smith
SLCC Spring Slide 37 SLCC Donors $5,000 - $9,999 Mr. Kenneth & Mrs. Lucy Bertaccini Dr. Gerald Burstein Dr. Cynthia C. Conley Mr. John M. & Mrs. Linda D. Derrick Mr. Bill & Mrs. Karen Graham
SLCC Spring Slide 38 SLCC Donors $5,000 - $9,999 (continued) Mr. Thomas P. & Mrs. Susan Kearney Mr. Jeffrey D. & Mrs. Lynne E. Murray Raytheon Company
SLCC Spring Slide 39 SLCC Donors $1,000 - $4,999 Ms. Celia May Baldwin Mr. William J. & Mrs. Patricia A. Bowman Dr. Thomas A. & Mrs. Elizabeth G. Clark Mr. William & Dr. Phyllis DeCarlo Cross Ms. D. Sue Decker Mr. Robert T. DeVenny Dr. Robert I. & Mrs. Evelyn K. Harris
SLCC Spring Slide 40 SLCC Donors $1,000 - $4,999 (continued) Dr. Paul M. & Mrs. Judith Horn Mr. Clyde Jones & Ms. Nancy M. Kelly-Jones Ms. Marilyn P. Joseph Mr. Martin P. Rosensweig & Dr. Karen L. Kimmel Mr. Scott Kragie Mr. Ken Levinson Mr. Willard J. & Mrs. Dorothea R. Madsen
SLCC Spring Slide 41 SLCC Donors $1,000 - $4,999 (continued) Marriott International, Inc. Microsoft Mr. Kenneth C. Mikos Dr. Michael L. Moore Dr. William A. & Mrs. Gail C. Moses Panasonic PNC Bank
SLCC Spring Slide 42 SLCC Donors $1,000 - $4,999 (continued) Mr. Jack & Mrs. Sandra Schwalb Mr. William M. & Mrs. Eileen M. Simpson Mr. Frank M. & Mrs. Rita A. Slater Mr. Henry & Mrs. Malan Strong Mr. Steven L. Titlebaum Mr. Lawrence J. & Mrs. Sharon J. Vollmar Mr. Frank Wu & Ms. Carol Izumi
SLCC Spring Slide 43 SLCC Donors Special thanks to the more than 250 other donors who have contributed to the Special thanks to the more than 250 other donors who have contributed to the James Lee Sorenson Language and Communication Center James Lee Sorenson Language and Communication Center and to the many more who will contribute.
SLCC Spring Slide 44 I. King Jordan Chair in Leadership Jordan Chair
SLCC Spring Slide 45 I. King Jordan Chair Donors $5,000 - $24,999 Cicely D. Angleton Joseph A. Barrett, Sr. The Jordan Family: Linda, King III, Heidi, Addae and Miles $1,000 - $4,999 Dick and Ann Boyle Celia May L. Baldwin Patti Kunkle Jordan Chair
SLCC Spring Slide 46 I. King Jordan Chair Donors $250 - $500 Katherine A. Jankowski and Karen L. Goss Liz Rose Mark Windham and Cathy Sweet-Windham Jordan Chair
SLCC Spring Slide 47 Development Office support.gallaudet.edu support.gallaudet.edu support.gallaudet.edu SLCC Jordan Chair