The use of copyright to quell online expression: - no judge, no jury, but there is an executioner Prepared for Government and the Internet: Participation, Expression and Control European University Institute, March 9 th 2011 Benjamin Farrand
The use of copyright to quell online expression A basic introduction to copyright: - concept, justifications and legislative acts Internationally: - the TRIPS agreement, WIPO treaties European Union: - InfoSoc Directive (2001/29/EC) and the Enforcement Directive (2004/48/EC) US: - Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1998 The intent of copyright legislation being supplanted by complete control of all use of works – including restricting criticism or debate through a form of ‘censorship by the back door’ Church of Scientology v Karen Spaink (Netherlands 2005)
By state actors?
By private/non-state actors?
Methods & Conclusions DMCA/Enforcement Directive takedowns ISP filtering? ‘Indirect copyright issues’? Accountability? Access to information and accountability?