Wordless Picture Book Presented by: Becca Kohler and Kelsey McMillan
Background “Hector” is a 6 year old student in Rebecca’s first grade class. He was placed in a half-day morning kindergarten class. He was born in Colorado but his mother and father were both born in Afghanistan. Hector speaks and understands Persian and English Hector did not have any formal schooling or receive any special services in any country prior to enrolling in Kindergarten Overall CELA score at the end of 1 st grade was “Intermediate.”
ELD structure identified Diagraph TH sound –“da” = the –“den” = then Overuse of “she” Transition words Subject/verb agreement Verb endings (-ed, -ing) Present/Past tense verbs
Strategy Chosen: Matching Game/Concentration Highly motivating and age appropriate Using a game to develop the skill of acknowledging diagraphs. Focuses on all diagraphs (CH, SH, TH) Student must find correct picture and word to match diagraph
Why was this strategy chosen? Hector had difficulty producing the TH diagraph sound In his daily writing, Hector frequently struggles to use the correct diagraph (CH, SH, or TH)
Demonstration… Activity was adapted from the ESL Teacher’s Activity Kit by Elizabeth Claire Pages Each group will be provided with a set of game cards to play this game. Entire class will participate in one of 5 small groups. Activity includes listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills
Lesson Plan Demonstration Objectives of Lesson Hector will be able to differentiate between the diagraphs /ch/ /th/ and /sh/ Hector will be able to sort, read, and match pictures and words according to the correct diagraph sound Hector will write and say words with ch, th, and sh diagraphs
Lesson Plan Procedure Part 1 Using the picture cards and the pocket chart, sort pictures into the correct sound category. (Ex. Chick will be in the CH category, Thumb- TH, and Shed- SH). Teacher will model for the student, teacher and student will do another example together, and then student will sort independently. Teacher can help isolate diagraph sound if necessary.
Lesson Plan Procedure (part 2) Play Diagraph Match Game (page 114) –Diagraphs (ch, sh, and th) will be written on white cards and picture cards will be on colored cards. –Place cards in rows in front of players, face down. Have two separate groupings, one colored and one white. –Student will pick up one colored card and one white card. He will say the name of the diagraph as well as the name on the picture card. –If it is not a correct match (ex. CH and a picture of a thumb), the student will return the two cards to their respective positions. –If it is a correct match (ex. TH and a picture of a thumb), the student will keep the cards and his opponent will take his turn to find a match. The student will write his match on a record sheet. –Player with the most matches at the end of the game, WINS!
Lesson Plan Demo… Materials Needed –Pocket Chart –Picture Cards –Diagraph Cards –Record Sheet –White cards with diagraphs CH, SH, and TH –Red cards with pictures/words Resources –ESL Teacher’s Activities Kit, pages –Phonics Lessons for First Grade, Fountas and Pinnell Assessment –Informal: Observation and participation during sorting activity and game –Formal: Correct completion of record sheet
Now it is your turn… Get into groups of four Begin playing game, refer to procedure if you get confused… Be polite Don’t get too competitive, no fighting/rude name calling Have fun THANK YOU!