Scott Wilson Shaun Moats Arjun Shrestha Andrew Garrison
The Test Gauges a student’s ability to speak a foreign language Consists of Text Pictures Audio
Current System Uses outdated technology Analog audio-cassettes Is being phased out AFLEX will replace this system
Client Client Department of Foreign Languages Contacts Frederic Leveziel, D.M.L. FLTC Director, Instructor Kathleen Bueno, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Spanish
End Users Instructors Students
Requirements Elicitation Client Interviews Observed test environment Evaluated current test follow-up with client
Functional Requirements Secure logon Audio playback and voice recording Timer Display graphics Audio and visual aids Instructor accessibility Store audio
Non-functional Requirements Microsoft Windows Usability Performance
Use Case Model
Use Case: Login Participating Actors: Instructor, Student, or Administrator Participating Actors: Instructor, Student, or Administrator Entry Condition: AFLEX is running and shows a form to enter name and password. Entry Condition: AFLEX is running and shows a form to enter name and password. Exit Condition: Instructor, Student, or Administrator is granted access into the system or denied access to the system. Exit Condition: Instructor, Student, or Administrator is granted access into the system or denied access to the system. Flow of Events: Flow of Events: 1. Instructor, Student, or Administrator enters username and password into the onscreen form. 2.AFLEX accesses a list of users to verify that the user name and password are correct. 3. If the user name and password are correct, ALFEX displays an acknowledgement and the user is shown a form that shows the user options that this specific user is allowed. 4. If the user name or password is incorrect, AFLEX displays a message that indicates why the login was unsuccessful.
Use Case: AddSubtractData Participating Actors: Administrator Participating Actors: Administrator Entry Condition: Administrator is logged into the system and chose an option to add or subtract data from the system. Entry Condition: Administrator is logged into the system and chose an option to add or subtract data from the system. Exit Condition: The data in the system is updated accordingly. Exit Condition: The data in the system is updated accordingly. Flow of Events: Flow of Events: 1.AFLEX shows a form that lists the current sound files and graphics files currently in the system. There are also options to add or exit as well as options to subtract and preview, which are unable to be selected. 2. If Administrator chooses the add option, AFLEX will show file browser form. Administrator can enter the path to the current file location. After acknowledgement, AFLEX will copy the file from the path location into its current storage location. 3. If Administrator indicates a file in the list, AFLEX makes available the preview and subtract options. 4.If Administrator chooses the subtract option, AFLEX will delete from its storage location the file that is indicated by Administrator. 5.If Administrator chooses the preview option, AFLEX will preview the file that is indicated by Administrator. If the file is a graphic, AFLEX will show the graphic. If the file is an audio file, AFLEX will play the file. 6. If Administrator chooses the exit option, AFLEX will show the form from which Administrator chose the Add/Subtract option.
Use Case: GradeTest Participating Actors: Instructor Participating Actors: Instructor Entry Condition: Instructor is logged into the system. Instructor chose an option to grade a test. Entry Condition: Instructor is logged into the system. Instructor chose an option to grade a test. Exit Condition: Instructor has accessed the answers given by Student, OR has chosen to exit before the answers were accessed. The Instructor is shown a form in which grade test is an option. Exit Condition: Instructor has accessed the answers given by Student, OR has chosen to exit before the answers were accessed. The Instructor is shown a form in which grade test is an option. Flow of Events: Flow of Events: 1.AFLEX shows a form listing the students indicating which students have taken the test and the date it was taken. taken the test and the date it was taken. 2.The Instructor chooses a student or can choose to exit this form. 3.If a student is chosen, AFLEX shows a form that allows access to the question numbers, the original questions, and the student’s answers. question numbers, the original questions, and the student’s answers. 4.If the instructor chooses an original question option, AFLEX responds with the respective original question as Student experienced. the respective original question as Student experienced. 5.If the instructor chooses a student answer option, AFLEX responds with the answer given by Student for the respective question number. 6. If exit is chosen, AFLEX responds with the form in which a student can be chosen or exit. 7. If a student is chosen, go to Step 3. 8.If exit is chosen from this form, Instructor exits.
Use Case: ModifyTest Participating Actors: Instructor Participating Actors: Instructor Entry Condition: Instructor is logged into the system and chose an option to modify test. Entry Condition: Instructor is logged into the system and chose an option to modify test. Exit Condition: Instructor has accessed the test to be given to Student, OR has chosen to exit before the test was modified. Instructor is shown a form in which modify test is an option. Exit Condition: Instructor has accessed the test to be given to Student, OR has chosen to exit before the test was modified. Instructor is shown a form in which modify test is an option. Flow of Events: Flow of Events: 1. AFLEX shows a list of the current questions. 2. Instructor can modify each question according to written text, graphic, audio sample, and time limit. Also an option to save changes or exit is given. 3.If Instructor chooses the save option, AFLEX will save the modifications. 4. If Instructor chooses the exit option, AFLEX will discard all changes to this question and return to the form showing the list of current questions. 5.If Instructor chooses exit again, the Instructor exits.
Use Case: RecordAnswer Participating Actors: Student Participating Actors: Student Entry Condition: A question has been given to the student. Entry Condition: A question has been given to the student. Exit Condition: Student response is saved into the student file storage location. Exit Condition: Student response is saved into the student file storage location. Flow of Events : Flow of Events : 1.Student vocally answers the question. 2.AFLEX records the audio from Student. 3.Student indicates that Student has finished answering or the question timer has expired. 4.AFLEX saves the answer from Student into the student file storage location and returns.
Use Case: ListenToQuestion Participating Actors: Student Participating Actors: Student Entry Condition: Student has begun taking a test. Entry Condition: Student has begun taking a test. Exit Condition: A question has been given to the student. Exit Condition: A question has been given to the student. Flow of Events: Flow of Events: 1.AFLEX displays all aspects of the question including written text, showing appropriate graphic, and playing an audio file.
Student Activity Diagram
Object Model
Summary Current system is being phased out. AFLEX will replace the current system. AFLEX will provide facilities for the Instructor to modify and grade tests.