Fall SemesterSpring Semester FIRST YEAR Math 161: Calculus IMath 162: Calculus II Chem 121: General Chemistry IChem 122: General Chemistry II ES101: Introduction to EngineeringPhysics 131: Physics I: Mechanics First-Year SeminarEnglish 110: College Writing SECOND YEAR Math 263: Calculus IIIMath 264: Differential Equations Chem 221- Organic Chemistry IVaST CHE 211 – Material and Energy Balances CHE 222 – Thermodynamics Engineering Science Elective 2 2 Chemistry Elective 3 3 Humanities-Social Science Elective 1 1 Humanities-Social Science Elective 1 1 THIRD YEAR CHE 311- Transport PhenomenaCHE 321- Applied Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer CHE 312 – Experimental Design ICHE 322 -Experimental Design II Chemical Engineering ElectiveCHE 323 -Fluid Phase and Reaction Equilibria Chemistry Elective 3 3 CHE 324 – Process Control Humanities-Social Science Elective 1 1 Free Elective FOURTH YEAR CHE 411 – Mass Transfer, Separations and Bioseparations CHE 422 – Design Synthesis CHE 412 – Integrated Chemical Engineering Chem 324 – Physical Chemistry II without Lab CHE 413 – Reaction Kinetics and Reactor Design Free Elective CHE 415 – Design AnalysisTechnical Elective 4 4 Technical Elective 4 4 Humanities-Social Science Electives 1 1 Typical ChE Schedule
Fall SemesterSpring Semester FIRST YEAR Math 161: Calculus IMath 162: Calculus II Chem 121: General Chemistry IChem 122: General Chemistry II ES101: Introduction to EngineeringPhysics 131: Physics I: Mechanics First-Year SeminarEnglish 110: College Writing SECOND YEAR Math 263: Calculus IIIMath 264: Differential Equations Chem 221- Organic Chemistry IVaST CHE 211 – Material and Energy Balances CHE 222 – Thermodynamics Engineering Science Elective 2 2 Chemistry Elective 3 3 Humanities-Social Science Elective 1 1 Humanities-Social Science Elective 1 1 THIRD YEAR CHE 311- Transport PhenomenaCHE 321- Applied Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer CHE 312 – Experimental Design ICHE 322 -Experimental Design II Chemical Engineering ElectiveCHE 323 -Fluid Phase and Reaction Equilibria Chemistry Elective 3 3 CHE 324 – Process Control Humanities-Social Science Elective 1 1 Free Elective FOURTH YEAR CHE 411 – Mass Transfer, Separations and Bioseparations CHE 422 – Design Synthesis CHE 412 – Integrated Chemical Engineering Chem 324 – Physical Chemistry II without Lab CHE 413 – Reaction Kinetics and Reactor Design Free Elective CHE 415 – Design AnalysisTechnical Elective 4 4 Technical Elective 4 4 Humanities-Social Science Electives 1 1 Typical ChE Schedule
Sophomore changes for going abroad FallSpring Math 263: Calc IIMath 254: Dif E Q Chem 221: Organic Chemistry 1 Chem 222: Organic Chemistry II CHE 211: Material and energy balances VAST CHE 222: Thermodynamics IFree ES: StaticsFree
Fall SemesterSpring Semester FIRST YEAR Math 162: Calculus IMath 163: Calculus II Chem 121: General Chemistry IChem 122: General Chemistry II ES101: Introduction to EngineeringPhysics 131: Physics I: Mechanics First-Year SeminarMath 290: Introduction to theoretical Econ 101: Principles SECOND YEAR Math 264: Dif E QsEcon: Macroeconomics Chem 221: Organic Chemistry IVaST CHE 211: Material and Energy Balances ES: Circuits CHE 222: ThermodynamicsChem: Organic Chemistry II Span 111: IntermediateSpan: Advanced THIRD YEAR CHE 311:Transport PhenomenaCHE 321: Applied Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer CHE 312: Experimental Design ICHE 322: Experimental Design II CHE : ElectiveCHE 323: Fluid Phase and Reaction Equilibria Chem: Analytical ChemistryCHE 324: Process Control Math 351: Abstract Algebra IChem 324: Physical Chemistry II FOURTH YEAR CHE 411: Mass Transfer, Separations and Bioseparations CHE 422 – Design Synthesis CHE 412: Integrated Chemical Engineering Math Elective CHE 413: Reaction Kinetics and Reactor Design Math Elective CHE 415: Design AnalysisCHE Elective 4 4 CHE: ElectiveHumanities-Social Science Electives 1 1 Stephanie Roebelen Minor: Math Studied abroad in Madrid, Spain Lafayette Requirement Major Requirement Major Elective Math Elective
Class suggestions for Madrid Spain Orgo II- Professor Tania de Fuente Volcanoes (or another class with a trip) Spanish Dance
Madrid, Spain Caso de Campo
Madrid Caso de Campo
Dia Sangria & Tapas Chocolate con Churros
Madrid Retiro Palacio Real
SLU Madrid Campus Metro: Guzman el Bueno Live with host families
F RESHMAN Y EAR Fall Semester Spring Semester Chemistry 122 Genetics ES 101Intro to U.S Politics FYSPhysics Calculus 1Calculus 2 AP Credit: Intro Biology College Writing Chem 121 Emily Wallitsch Minor: Biotech Studied abroad: Bremen, Germany
S OPHOMORE Y EAR Fall SemesterSpring Semester (Germany) Material & Energy Balances VAST Thermo 1Circuits Organic ChemistryGerman Politics & Culture Calculus 3Differential Equations Principles of Economics Before going to Germany: Intro German Differential Equations ES Elective
J UNIOR Y EAR Fall SemesterSpring Semester Transport PhenomenaThermo 2 Interfacial PhenomenaExperimental Design 2 Experimental Design 1Unit Operations U.S. Politics and Elections Process Controls Analytical Chemistry For the Biotech minor: Analytical Chemistry Transport Phenomena Genetics Thesis
S TUDY A BROAD : B REMEN, G ERMANY Students from over 100 different countries Campus living with abroad feel Transportations Pass Easy to travel. Beautiful campus Friendly Students
S TUDY A BROAD : B REMEN, G ERMANY 10 th most populates city in Germany Located in North-west Germany on the River Weser Rich history A variety of restaurants, cafes and biergartens to explore Old Town and Schnoor
S TUDY A BROAD : B REMEN, G ERMANY Berlin, GermanySt. Petersburg, Russia Brussels, BelgiumHelgoland, Germany
S TUDY A BROAD : B REMEN, G ERMANY Beck’s Brewery Werder Bremen Game Klimahaus Bergen-BelsenMercedes-Benz Factory
O THER T RIPS Italy England Belgium Russia
O THER T RIPS France Spain Switzerland Czech Republic Netherlands Germany Austria Bulgaria Hungary Ireland
S OPHOMORE Y EAR First SemesterInterimSecond Semester CHE 211 M&E CHE 222 Thermo I ES 226 Statics CHEM 252 Environmental Chem. ECON 211 Intermediate Microeconomics MUS 154 Concert Band GEOL 170 Evolution of Ecuador & Galapagos CHE 323 Thermo II ES 231 Nature of Materials VAST 217 Art & Science of Flow Viz THTR 201 Public Speaking ECON 212 Intermediate Macroeconomics INDS 211 Interdis. Seminar Life Sciences MUS 154 Concert Band Angela Wnek Minor: Economics
C OMMON M INORS Mathematics Mathematics 161, 162, 263 plus three mathematics courses numbered higher than 263, including at least two numbered 300 or higher Two courses in addition to the four required for ChE Economics six courses within the department, with prerequisites enforced Biotech/Bioengineering Bio 101 One of BIOL 225, BIOL 251, BIOL 255, BIOL 256, BIOL 312, BIOL 340, CHEM 231, CHEM 332, CHEM 351, CHEM 352, CHEM 452, INDS 304, MATH 385, NEUR 201, PHYS 220, PSYC 225, PSYC 323, PSYC 324, Independent Study and/or Honors Thesis with biotechnology content in one of the science departments CHE 311, CHE 337, CHE 340, ME380, ME 489, ME 492, ECE 437, Independent Study and/or Honors Thesis with biotechnology content in one of the engineering departments Environmental Science 5 courses in 3 components Core component, Technical component, Policy/Issues Component