Maine CITE Program Training Webinar Caption That! Tools for Making Your Videos Accessible to All Learners March 13, 2013
2Presenter Cynthia Curry, Maine AIM Program
Participants will understand The purpose of closed captioning. The history of captioning in the U.S. Federal legislation associated with closed captioning. Specific tools for accomplishing closed captioning.
What are captions?
A Brief History
October 9, 2012 National Association of the Deaf, Et Al. V. Netflix “Netflix Inc. and the National Association of the Deaf (NAD) have submitted a joint Consent Decree to a federal court in Springfield, Mass., ensuring closed captions in 100% of Netflix streaming content within two years.”
October 8, 2012
Who uses captions? o Patrons of Pubs Fitness clubs Airports o English learners o Roommates
Literacy & Closed Captions “Watching Thomas the Tank Engine” by Lou Bueno CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
Make Your Videos Searchable “Magnifying” by Evan Long CC BY- NC 2.0
Self-Captioning Ingredients
Note “script” in “transcript” Transcription is no fun and speech recognition can messy. “Messy” by Jens Vilhelm Rothe CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
Today’s Featured Tools QuickTime 7 Pro for Mac OS X. CaptionTube. Universal Subtitles from Amara. YouTube automatic captioning with Google speech recognition.
QuickTime 7 Pro CaptionTube Universal Subtitles YouTube automatic ProsCustomizable and quality control Ease of useEasier to useEasiest to use Video format,.mp4,.m4v YouTube only.flv,.mp4, YouTube, Vimeo, Ogg YouTube only EffortManualLess manualEven less manual Mostly automatic Cost$29.99Free
Captioning with QuickTime 7 Pro Video open in QT 7 Pro Caption file
Captioning with QuickTime 7 Pro Video open in QT 7 Pro Caption file Formatting code:
Captioning with QuickTime 7 Pro Video open in QT 7 Pro Caption file Formatting code: Time scales:
Captioning with QuickTime 7 Pro Video open in QT 7 Pro Caption file Formatting code: Time scales: Text track:
Getting Started with QuickTime 7 Pro Please visit the website of WebAIM (see Method 1):
Captioning with CaptionTube
Captioning with CaptionTube
Captioning with CaptionTube Caption text:
Captioning with CaptionTube Caption text: Time scales:
Captioning with CaptionTube Caption text: Time scales: Track area
Captioning with CaptionTube Caption text: Time scales: Track area Captions:
Captioning with CaptionTube
Getting Started with CaptionTube CaptionTube has a help page with FAQs and video tutorials
Captioning with Universal Subtitles
Captioning with Universal Subtitles Press the “Play” button and start transcribing 4 sec at a time (or tab key)
Captioning with Universal Subtitles Press the “Play” button and start transcribing 4 sec at a time (or tab key) Speed mode
Captioning with Universal Subtitles Press the “Play” button and start transcribing 4 sec at a time (or tab key) The “Re-play” button comes in handy (or shift-tab key) Speed mode
Captioning with Universal Subtitles Caption text: Press the “Play” button and start transcribing 4 sec at a time (or tab key)
Captioning with Universal Subtitles When done entering the text, choose the Sync button
Captioning with Universal Subtitles Watch and listen and tap the down-arrow key on your keyboard when the next caption should appear
Getting Started with Universal Subtitles The Amara Support Center has a page of “FAQs and How-To Articles” s/
Captioning in YouTube
Captioning in YouTube While logged in, choose the “Captions” tab
Captioning in YouTube Upload either a caption file or a transcript
Captioning in YouTube Google’s speech recognition synchronizes the video and text file (default timescale is 5 seconds)
Captioning in YouTube
Getting Started with YouTube Captioning YouTube has a “Getting started” page
Key Points Closed captioning: Is not only supported by federal mandates that apply to schools, it’s the right thing to do for teaching all kids. Requires technical know-how but user-friendly and no-cost tools are available and will continue to improve.
Thank You Please visit or contact the Maine AIM Program online.