What’s next for the class of 2014?
Counselors Paula WilsonA B C E F G Kerri Severson StoverH I J L M N Kim ElderO-V Melissa Good-MitzelD K W X Y Z Others Kathryn Sosa - Gifted Ed. Coordinator David Herrick - Lifeways Advisor Marcia Geyer - Registrar Jenni Dragoo -Records Secretary Brenda Sinclair - Secretary/Receptionist
Seniors will understand how their counselor and the guidance office can support them in planning for life after high school Seniors will understand academic rules and requirements for graduation, specific scholarships, and activity eligibility in high school Seniors will understand the process of applying for college and ways to pay for it
Bright green sheet Autobiographical Sketch assignment Senior Questionnaire assignment Blue and white sheets – Credit check and transcript Yellow sheet – Transcript Release Form Hot pink sheet Senior Planning Scholarship Information for SD high school graduates Light pink sheet – general planning information
There are counselor sections on most college/scholarship applications, so information about you is frequently requested of us. To best represent you, we need to know you or have info about you. Please complete the Autobiographical Sketch and Senior Questionnaire and turn it in to your English teacher (if given as an assignment) or counselor. Keep a copy for yourself to give to others from whom you may need a letter of support.
Look over your transcript. You will be asked to submit your high school transcript when you pursue: college admission and scholarships military enlistment employment Most of you will apply for college before winter break; what you see on your transcript today is what will be sent with your application.
A transcript is a record of all your high school classes with grade and credit earned. Is your transcript correct? GPA and class rank are at the bottom of the transcript. Please write your GPA and class rank on your Senior Questionnaire (bright green sheet).
Students who tested out of a class have two options for recording it on their transcript: 1) You can leave it as PAS, which indicates a test out, or… 2) you can request that the letter grade (A or B) be listed instead (letter grade will not impact GPA). Decide by the end of 1 st semester which way you want a test out recorded. Be aware: some common scholarships require letter grades, not PAS, on the transcript.
You are responsible for making sure you meet graduation requirements. Your counselor helps by providing you with a completed credit check. This credit check is for high school graduation requirements only, NOT college admission requirements.
Review your credit check – the minimum required to graduate is 22 credits. The required classes are listed on the left side of your credit check; electives on the right. If you are waiving a math or science class, your parents must sign a waiver before you can graduate. See your counselor for the waiver form.
All RCAS graduates must have passed a reading test. If you are not in a reading class, you have probably passed the test. Check with Jenni Dragoo, our Records Secretary, if you are in doubt. New/transfer students should have been given the reading test upon enrollment.
If there are questions regarding your credit check, please see your counselor. No one likes surprises at graduation time. If you are taking an online or off-campus class that isn’t on your credit check, please let your counselor know. If you are planning to graduate at the end of semester one, you must let Jenni Dragoo know.
If you make a correction on your credit check form, please see your counselor to be sure the change doesn’t impact required classes/credits for graduation. Initial and date the upper right hand corner of your credit check form. Return your credit check & transcript to your counselor.
We encourage you to see us sometime this semester. Appointments can be made through the guidance office secretaries. Appointment times are from 7:45 – 3:00 each day classes are in session. (No afternoon appointments on early release days.) Mrs. Good-Mitzel is here Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Friday afternoons.
Seniors must see their counselors regarding any schedule adjustments so we can document those changes on your credit check.
Colleges, scholarship committees, employers, and military recruiters require transcripts (and sometimes more information) from students. Jenni Dragoo, the Records Secretary, handles all transcript requests. Refer to your yellow Transcript Release Form. These are in the guidance office and must be completed when you need documents from Stevens to be sent anywhere. It must be signed by you AND a parent if you are not yet 18. We don’t send anything without your written request. A new Transcript Release Form must be completed for each place you’d like your records sent.
Complete your application either online or on paper. Online - you will be asked to pay the fee with a credit or debit card. There may be forms you need to print and bring to your counselor to complete. On paper - staple your check for the application fee to the application. Ask people for letters of recommendation, if needed. Complete the Transcript Release Form (yellow handout).
Submit all required items to our office (put in the Requested Transcripts basket). Jenni will gather all requested documents from the Transcript Release Form, address an envelope and give the application packet to your counselor or Mrs. Sosa. Your counselor/Mrs. Sosa will complete the counselor evaluation part of the application, gather the materials you submitted, and mail your college application in one package.
Colleges appreciate receiving all application materials in one package. We document the date that the application leaves our school. Be aware of deadlines. We need at least 5 school days to process and complete transcript requests. December 1 and January 1 deadlines often fall close to holidays, so plan ahead. Our office is closed during all school year breaks.
Be careful with your electronic/social media communications; any negativity could impact a person’s willingness to write you a letter. Many employers, colleges, & scholarship boards ask for access to Facebook pages. Be kind by requesting letters two weeks in advance. Be clear – who is the letter to and when do you need it? Provide your autobiographical sketch. Request additional copies of letters written on your behalf. Offer thanks to anyone who writes you a letter.
Required for 2 or 4 year colleges: ACT or SAT (4 year schools) ACCUPLACER (2 year schools) Both ACT and SAT tests are accepted everywhere. The ACCUPLACER test is offered at WDT frequently. You can take the ACCUPLACER there even if you don’t plan to attend WDT.
Register online at: September 27 (Friday) is the next regular deadline date to register for the October 26 ACT.SAT~ Register online at: October 3 is the regular deadline date for the November 2 SAT.
(Learning Express) Online, free, accessible from home (with library card) or school. Online, free, part of your SD My Life program, accessible from home or school. Suggested book – The Real ACT Listen to announcements for ACT prep sessions
To participate in any Stevens sports and/or activities (including fine arts), you must have passed 4 classes in your previous semester and be enrolled in 4 classes in your current semester. What you do this semester will affect second semester participation. See Mr. Vasquez with questions.
Athletes wishing to compete at the college level must register with the NCAA or NAIA. There are requirements you must meet now to be eligible for sport competition in college. Links to the NCAA and NAIA websites can be found at Online classes may not be accepted by NCAA. See your counselor with questions.
Mrs. Storm (room S203) handles the Community Volunteer credit and teaches the internship component of the Beyond the Books class. Mrs. Jangula (room 224) teaches the service learning component of the Beyond the Books class. For more information about these opportunities, contact either of the teachers above.
The guidance department hosts several events to support you as you plan for life after high school. Events include: Post High Planning Days – Oct 24 (pre-registration recommended) The Stevens Seminar – Dec 3 Financial Aid Night – Jan 9
Students are encouraged to visit with the college and military recruiters who schedule visits to our school. Listen to the announcements or check in the guidance office for visit dates, times, and locations.
In the Guidance Office you will find: Computers for use in college planning, scholarship searches, ACT/SAT test registration, career research, etc. College and two year school handbooks Scholarship Board & file Financial Aid materials Majors & Minors Resource book Career Resource books Test Preparation books School catalogs from all across the nation and abroad username and password (See Marcia Geyer, Registrar)
For scholarships, please check the following: the scholarship board and file located in the guidance office AND on the SHS website the Stevens High School Scholarship Listserv -- sign up at: This web page is written on your hot pink handout. Join this list and receive announcements of scholarships as they are received by us. **Please Note: Scholarships are not included in the daily announcements.
South Dakota Opportunity Scholarship Dakota Corps Scholarship
When in doubt about planning for life after high school, make an appointment to see your counselor/advisor. We want to help! Paula Wilson – A B C E F G Kerri Stover – H I J L M N Kim Elder – O – V Melissa Good-Mitzel – D K W X Y Z Kathryn Sosa – A – Z (Gifted Education)