Student Code of Conduct Revision Presentation to AGC (1of 3) February 11, 2014
Seeking AGC Endorsement The Student Code of Conduct is not an academic policy Both academic and general, therefore follows a unique process AGC specifically to provide input on direct academic components (Academic Dishonesty and Classroom Conduct) Seeking Endorsement and Recommendations Post AGC Endorsement, moves to Cabinet for final review
Review Process/Team Faculty focus groups spring ’13 Smaller review team: Bethann Talsma, Business faculty Jenni Klutts, Adjunct faculty (Biology)/Assistant Athletic Director/Professional Tutor Deb Sanders, General Counsel Office Evan Macklin, Student Life and Conduct Eric Mullen, Associate Dean, Enrollment Management Tina Hoxie, Dean of Student Affairs Input from Associate Deans, Bill Faber and Paula Sullivan Sent to DHs/PDs for additional input
Primary Focus Areas for AGC Academic Honesty Classroom Misconduct Student Right’s section
Academic Dishonesty & Classroom Conduct Sections Made consequence sections consistent Improved language around process for both areas Clarified sanction options
Added Student Rights Section Concern from the BOT that there is nothing on the books stating Student Rights Seeking feedback What are we missing? Is anything misrepresented? Does it cover what we need it to cover?
Summary Other of Major Changes Formatting Removed Athletics section – moved to their handbook Removed Student Organization section – moved to their handbook Added definitions for Accused student, Complainant, Cyber Stalking, Cyber Bullying, Student Group or Organization Edited definition from “school days” to “business days” Added Interpretation and Revision section (very last section)
General Conduct Changes Rearranged (put in alpha order) Added Bullying and Sexual Misconduct sections Expanded sanctions section
Process Updates Expanded language Afforded both parties equal rights Change to appeal process Appeals of Reprimands would be a written review by the Dean only (no hearing committee) Seeking input on this decision
Information Update Tobacco Free Update E-cigarettes Medical Marijuana
Questions/Input? Sara Dorer
Returns to AGC March 11 In order to incorporate any suggestions/changes, feedback is needed by Tuesday, February 25 th.