Whitworth Campus Climate Survey Spring 2005
Thanks to: Tim Caldwell, for the use of his survey. Tim Caldwell, for the use of his survey. Jenni Holzinger, for her advice and her expertise in SPSS. Jenni Holzinger, for her advice and her expertise in SPSS. Esther Louie, for her encouragement and her many contacts on campus. Esther Louie, for her encouragement and her many contacts on campus. Ken Pecka, for his encouragement and for setting up the survey online. Ken Pecka, for his encouragement and for setting up the survey online. My Spring 2005 Multicultural Am Lit class and the Act 6 students for all of their work. My Spring 2005 Multicultural Am Lit class and the Act 6 students for all of their work.
The Method This survey, adapted for our campus, is based upon Tim Caldwell’s master’s work at Ball State University. This survey, adapted for our campus, is based upon Tim Caldwell’s master’s work at Ball State University. Professors announced the availability (1 week only) of this voluntary online survey. Professors announced the availability (1 week only) of this voluntary online survey. 437 students took the survey: 366 self-identified as Anglo; 71 self-identified as of color. Fair distribution of classes: 34.3% frosh; 21.1% sophomores; 25.3% juniors; 18.5% seniors;.7% grads. 437 students took the survey: 366 self-identified as Anglo; 71 self-identified as of color. Fair distribution of classes: 34.3% frosh; 21.1% sophomores; 25.3% juniors; 18.5% seniors;.7% grads. Good random sampling (over 20% of the student body) although students of color are over-represented. Good random sampling (over 20% of the student body) although students of color are over-represented.
Following this presentation Question numbers here correlate with the survey question numbers. This presentation follows the order of the survey questions. Question numbers here correlate with the survey question numbers. This presentation follows the order of the survey questions. In most cases, responses (percentages) are combined so that for example: the “Agree Strongly” and the “Agree Somewhat” responses are taken together to mean “agree.” In most cases, responses (percentages) are combined so that for example: the “Agree Strongly” and the “Agree Somewhat” responses are taken together to mean “agree.” Note similar and contrasting answers between Anglo students and students of color. Please remember: this survey is about perceptions. Note similar and contrasting answers between Anglo students and students of color. Please remember: this survey is about perceptions.
Select Results 1.0: Think that racial discrimination is prevalent in Spokane: 50.4% (8.5% strongly) of Anglo students 57.7% (17% strongly) of students of color
: Agree that Spokane is a safe community: 1.2: Agree that Spokane is a safe community: 87.2% of students of color 87.2% of students of color 91.5% of Anglo students 91.5% of Anglo students
: Believe that most faculty are sensitive to the issues of minority students: 89.8% of Anglo students 78.9% of students of color
: Believe that students are treated fairly here regardless of their racial/ethnic background: 78.1% of Anglo students 70.4% of students of color
2.5: Think that many minority students feel that they do not “fit in” on campus: 71.8% of students of color (40.8% strongly) 65.3 % of Anglo students (20% strongly)
2.9: Believe that white students receive more support and encouragement than minority students: 8.3% of Anglo students 24.2% of students of color 10.9% of all students
2.10: Agree that most Whitworth students believe that minority students were special admits: 64.8% of students of color 64.8% of students of color 35.5% of Anglo students 35.5% of Anglo students 48.6% of all students 48.6% of all students
2.15: Believe that racism is a problem at Whitworth: 25.1% of Anglo students 43.7% of students of color 28.2% of all students
3.2: Think that Whitworth is more diverse than their high schools were: 26.8% of students of color 54.4% of Anglo students 49.8% of all students
4.2: Have heard faculty make inappropriate remarks about minorities: 3% of Anglo students 14.1% of students of color 4.9% of all students
: Have sometimes or frequently felt isolated on campus: 60.5% of students of color 36.3% of Anglo students 40.2% of all students
4.7: Have felt pressure to socialize only with students of their own backgrounds: 14.2% of Anglo students 46.5% of students of color 19.5% of all students
4.8: Have been insulted or threatened by other students because of their racial/ethnic background: 33.8% of students of color 2.2% of Anglo students 7.3% of all students
4.10: Have had opportunities to interact with students of different backgrounds: 76.8% of Anglo students 76.1% of students of color
5.1: Agree that recruiting more faculty and administrators of color should be a priority: 63.3% of students of color 63.3% of students of color 59.9% Anglo students 59.9% Anglo students
: Agree that recruiting more students of color should be a priority: 80.2% of Anglo students 84.5% of students of color
: Dissatisfied with the racial/ethnic diversity of the student body: 52.1% of Anglo students 67.6% of students of color 54.6% of all students
8.3: Dissatisfied with the racial/ethnic diversity of the staff and faculty: 60.2% of students of color 40.4% of Anglo students 43.5% of all students
9.1: Have not experienced a feeling of community among students of their own ethnic groups: 7.9% of Anglo students 32.4% of students of color 11.9% of all students
9.3: Do not see themselves as part of the Whitworth community: 28.2% of students of color 10.7% of Anglo students 13.6% of all students
10.2: Have had discussions about racism with people from other ethnic groups that have affected them in a positive manner : 67.1% of Anglo students 67.1% of Anglo students 71.8% of students of color 71.8% of students of color
12.1: Have been present at campus events where various racial/ethnic groups have been presented in a positive manner: 72.1% of students of color 72.1% of students of color 77.5% of Anglo students. 77.5% of Anglo students.
12.2: Have been present at campus events where women are presented in a positive manner: 77.9% of Anglo students 77.9% of Anglo students 70.6% of students of color 70.6% of students of color
12.4: Have not (never/rarely) been present at campus events where gays/lesbians have been presented in a positive manner: 91.2% of students of color 91.2% of students of color 86.9% of Anglo students 86.9% of Anglo students
13.1: Experienced discrimination because of their race/ethnicity: 2.7% of Anglo students 2.7% of Anglo students 40.8% of students of color 40.8% of students of color 9% of all students 9% of all students
13.2: Experienced discrimination because of their gender: 16.7% of all students 16.7% of all students
14.1: Experienced discrimination by professors: 12.7% of students of color 12.7% of students of color 2.5% of Anglo students 2.5% of Anglo students 4.2% of all students 4.2% of all students
14.2: Experienced discrimination by staff: 1.1% of Anglo students 1.1% of Anglo students 21.1% of students of color 21.1% of students of color 3.4% of all students 3.4% of all students
14.3: Experienced discrimination by administrators: 8.4% of students of color 8.4% of students of color.9% of Anglo students.9% of Anglo students 2.1% of all students 2.1% of all students
14.4: Experienced discrimination by residents of the community: 6.1% of Anglo students 6.1% of Anglo students 28.2% of students of color 28.2% of students of color 9.7% of all students 9.7% of all students
15.1: Have felt harassed because of their race: 11.3% of students of color 11.3% of students of color 1.4% of Anglo students 1.4% of Anglo students 3% of all students 3% of all students
16: Have felt pressures from their own racial/ethnic groups not to socialize with other ethnic groups: 6.6% Anglo students 6.6% Anglo students 22.9% students of color 22.9% students of color 9.3% of all students 9.3% of all students
19.2: Have felt the need to change their own physical characteristics in order to fit in: 62% of students of color 62% of students of color 38.1% of Anglo students 38.1% of Anglo students 41.9% of all students 41.9% of all students
19.4: Say that the concerns of their own ethnic groups go unrecognized on this campus: 12.3% of Anglo students 12.3% of Anglo students 55.8% of students of color 55.8% of students of color 19.3% of all students 19.3% of all students
19.6: Would like to have more personal interaction with students of ethnic groups different from theirs: 82.8% of students of color 82.8% of students of color 82.9% of Anglo students 82.9% of Anglo students
19.7: Believe that diversity and multiethnic awareness programs are valuable in helping students function in a diverse work environment: 84.3% of Anglo students 84.3% of Anglo students 88.5% of students of color 88.5% of students of color