LHC Status, Highlights and Future plans LHC Status, Highlights and Future plans ERICE June 25 th 2012 Philippe BLoch Cern ERICE June 25 th 2012 Philippe BLoch Cern
Luminosity of LHC N = number of protons per bunch. Given by injector chain currently up to protons n = normalized emittance. Given also by injector chain currently about 2 m k b = number of bunches. Depends on bunch spacing currently 50ns -> k b = 1331 * = beta function at collision point ; limited by triplet aperture currently * = 0.6 m f = revolution frequency = Hz. Can not be changed = E/m given by beam energy F = correction factor <1, depends on crossing angle and beam separation (if different from 0) correlated
pp: situation in 2011 MD, technical stop Mini-Chamonix Mini-Chamonix Intermediate energy run, technical stop, scrubbing 75 ns 50 ns EmittanceReduction(Injectors) MD, technical stop * = 1m Increase Number of Bunches
Operational performance June 4th 2012Paul Collier – LHC: Status, Prospects and Plans{lans4 Operational robustness – Precycle, injection, 450 GeV, ramp & squeeze & collisions routine Machine protection – superb performance of machine protection and associated systems – Rigorous machine protection follow-up, qualification and monitoring – Routine collimation of 110 MJ LHC beams without a single quench from stored beams. 100 MJ enough to melt 150 Kg of Copper Must be dumped in a single turn 88 s
What we learnt in 2011 The LHC injectors can provide a significantly higher brightness beam than foreseen ( for 50ns bunch spacing) The LHC can handle very high bunch intensities ➥ head-on beam beam not a significant problem (yet) The control of the machine parameters and the quality of the alignment means that the available aperture in the triplets is higher than expected ➥ can be used for larger crossing angle, or lower * ➥ Partially exploited already during 2011 to go from 1.5m down to 1m
Electron cloud Threshold effect leads to build up of electrons inside the vacuum chamber: Heat load (in cold sections), Vacuum pressure rise and beam becomes instable The main solution is to condition the surface by electron bombardment – “scrubbing”. Very effective – but takes significant amounts of dedicated beam time 50ns bunch spacing did not require too much fight against electron cloud ➥ Electron cloud more of a problem for 25ns beams in LHC (and SPS) ➥ “Memory” is kept after scrubbing Tests showed that the situation with 25 ns is much more difficult.
2012 Bunch Spacing – 50ns vs 25ns 50ns Operationally in good shape 25ns Not yet used operationally Can fit 1380 bunches into the LHC Injectors can provide very high intensity per bunch at low emittance: 1.6x10 +11, =2.0 m Problems with electron cloud instabilities are much less apparent No need for a significant period of dedicated “scrubbing” Smaller Emittance means larger aperture – can run with * = 0.6m Can fit 2748 bunches into the LHC Injectors cannot provide as high brightness bunches: 1.2x10 +11, = 3.0 m Emittance growth and lifetime problems due to e-cloud effects are very strong A week of dedicated “scrubbing” needed. Larger emittance means that the * is limited to 0.9m spacing50 ns25 ns Peak Luminosity cm -2 s cm -2 s -1 Integrated lumi> 15 fb -1 ~ 10 fb Chosen 50 ns for 2012
Peak Luminosity Evolution (so far) MD, Technical Stop Impressive Ramp-up! The injectors are important! Back in business – but it is not all plain sailing! Should never have Stopped!
Production Running : up to 19 th June Last week before MD: 1.3 fb -1 /week Assumes 0.84 fb -1 /week
Living with high pileup ATLAS CMS
11 Performance for physics objects largely recovered using tracks techniques such as assignment to vertices and subtraction techniques
The present Physics Landscape A personal and very biased choice of some recent physics highlights (Very often the same or complementary information has been obtained in several experiments) Much more in dedicated lectures P.Jenni : ATLAS J.Virdee : CMS P. Giubellino ALICE
1: Understanding the proton as a whole TOTEM & ALPHA Experiments Specific runs with high (90m, 500m in the future) to measure elastic cross section
Low uncertainty : important for extrapolations
2: Testing every corner of the Standard Model Precision tests of the SM may allow finding deviations linked to higher order processes involving New Physics Examples: Cross Sections Precise (re)measurement of EW parameters Helicity properties CP violation in B s Rare decays ….
PDG : ±
polarisation in W decay (through polarisation)
Constraints on proton PDFs Example:
20 Rare decays : B s -> B s strongly suppressed in SM Predicted BR = (3.2 ± 0.2) * very sensitive to new physics World-best limit set: BR < 4.5 × LHCb (at 95% CL) < 7.7 × (CMS arXiv: ) < 22 × (ATLAS CONF ) Combination BR < 4.2 × (at 95% CL) [JHEP ] B s candidate
CP violation in B s mixing Results correlated with s = width difference of the B s mass-eigenstates plotted as contours in ( s vs s ) plane LHCb result consistent with Standard Model s = ± rad First significant direct measurement of s = ± ± ps -1 s also measured in a second mode : B s J/ f 0 Combined result: s = ± ± rad Analogous to sin2 mesured in B d ->J/ Ks Here B s ->J/
LHCb results provide strong constraints on possible models for new physics limit on B s constraining SUSY at high tan and combination of B s and s restricting various models : [D. Straub, arXiv: ][N. Mahmoudi, Moriond QCD] Impact of B s results ss Direct exclusion (CMS 4.4 fb -1 ) B s (LHCb 1 fb -1 )
A surprise ? CPV in Charm decay Expected to be small in the SM (< ) Enormous statistics available : > 10 6 D 0 K + K - from D *+ D 0 + Charge of from D * determines D flavour A CP = difference in CP asymmetry for D 0 K + K - and D 0 Robust: detection and production asymmetries cancel (at first orde r ) A CP = ( 0.82 ± 0.21 ± 0.11)% Zero CPV is excluded at 3.5 Before the LHCb result: “CP violation… at the percent level signals new physics” [Y. Grossman, arXiv:hep-ph/ ] (and many others) After: “We have shown that it is plausible that the SM accounts for the measured value… Nevertheless, new physics could be at play” [J.Brod et al, arXiv: ]
3: Searching for the Higgs Status with full 2011 dataset SM Higgs boson excluded with 95% cl up to a mass of 600 GeV except for the window to GeV Interesting fluctuations around masses of GeV 2012 run 8 TeV, expect ~15fb -1 First 6fb-1 will most probably be disclosed next week at ICHEP12 SM-Higgs Boson up to a mass of some 600 GeV will either be discovered or ruled out until end 2012 Finding the Higgs Boson would be a fantastic discovery, awaited since ~45 years Not finding the Higgs would be an even greater surprise (probably more difficult to explain to the public and our financing agencies…)
4: direct searches for BSM Physics We know that even with the Higgs, the SM is incomplete Neutrino Masses (ESM) Dark Matter Inclusion of Gravity in the picture Hierarchy But it resists very strongly !
5: Exploring the Quark Gluon Plasma
Great complementarity + collaboration among experiments + LHCf 0 data from 8.9 to 11
All these results are obtained due to the 3 components exceeding their expected performance – The LHC accelerator with brighter beams than expected and efficiency (37% stable beam in 2012 ) x ~2 more than assumed – The experiments with unprecedented efficiency (> 95%) and coping with a pileup in excess of what was foreseen for design luminosity (~20) – The computing GRID which exceeds also the transfer and processing rates
A look at the LHC future Predictable future ( ) Long term (> 2030)
The predictable future: LHC Time-line ~ / Start of LHC Run 1: 7 TeV centre of mass energy, luminosity ramping up to few cm -2 s -1, few fb -1 delivered 2030 Next machine ? Phase-II: High-luminosity LHC. New focussing magnets and CRAB cavities for very high luminosity with levelling Injector and LHC Phase-I upgrades to go to ultimate luminosity LHC shut-down to prepare machine for design energy and nominal luminosity Run 4: Collect data until > 3000 fb -1 Run 3: Ramp up luminosity to 2.2 x nominal, reaching ~100 fb -1 / year accumulate few hundred fb -1 Run 2: Ramp up luminosity to nominal (10 34 cm -2 s -1 ), ~50 to 60 fb -1
Post Shut Down performance (t.b.c) 25ns nominal50 ns25 ns low emittance t.b.c Energy TeV6.5 Bunch intensity x Emittance2.8 m2.1 m1.4 m **50 Peak Luminosity1.2 e341.7 e34 leveled 0.9e342.2 e leveled 4046 Int Lumi /year fb Depends on Electrons cloud Electronics radiation hardness –SEU’s Emittance growth ….. Wait and see !
Ultimate step : HL-LHC for 2022 Cannot reduce the bunch spacing – stick with 25ns (50ns), 2808(1404) bunches Work on the injectors (and LHC) to increase the beam brightness N/ n Decrease the * to cm Implies new large aperture final focus quads but also implies lower value of R θ Use Crab cavities to recover the geometric reduction factor – and as a mechanism for Leveling Goal is to reach >250 fb-1 per year and run until 2030
The predictable future: LHC detectors Time-line ~ / Start of LHC 2030 Consolidation of Infrastructure for all CMS 4th Muon station forward New reduced diameter Be beam pipes CMS & ATLAS ATLAS : new pixel internal layer (IBL) ATLAS: Upgrade Trigger, new small Muon wheels, FTK trigger, Forward physics CMS : Upgrade Trigger, New pixel detector, New photosensors for HCAL, Forward Muon chambers LHCb : Upgrade FE electronics: New 40 MHz readout, x10 luminosity ! ALICE : New vertex detector (ITS), faster TPC, DAQ,…. ATLAS: New central Tracker + …? CMS : New central Tracker + …. LHCb : continue until 50 fb -1 ALICE : continue until 10 nb -1
LHeC (medium term) ? High Energy LHC ? The longer term future
LHeC: electron-proton collider RR LHeC: new ring in LHC tunnel, with bypasses around experiments RR LHeC e-/e+ injector 10 GeV, 10 min. filling time LR LHeC: recirculating linac with energy recovery, or straight Linac 60 GeV √s ≥ 1.3 TeV
LHeC physics Precise measurement of structure functions in a domain relevant for LHC flavour content of proton for all flavours (u,d,c,s,b,t) and for the antiquarks Precise measurement of EW (ex: sin 2 W ) or QCD (ex: S ) parameters Very low x (saturation) domain BSM search in specific domains (right handed currents, excited leptons, 1 st gen, leptoquarks,..) eA physics CDR (physics + machine) submitted last week : arXiv:
HE-LHC Double (or even x 2.5) LHC energy 16 to 20 Teslas magnet compatible in size with LHC tunnel
HE-LHC parameters 44
Possible magnet cross section
HE-LHC – LHC modifications 2-GeV Booster Linac4 SPS +, 1.3 TeV HE-LHC 2030? S. Myers ECFA-EPS, Grenoble47
: deciding years…. Experimental data will take the floor to drive the field to the next steps: LHC results 13 (T2K, DChooz, RENO, DayaBay,..) ✔ masses/nature (Cuore, Gerda, Nemo…) Dark Matter searches Sky surveys (Fermi, Planck…..)
European Strategy Update Update of Strategy defined in 2007 Process to be launched in the next weeks Time scale defined by LHC results – meeting September 2012 in Krakow – Finalisation spring
In conclusion H ard work and a lot of good results I ntegrated luminosity records G reat Performance of accelerator & experiments G rid computing outperforming its specs S o, what’s next ? (Courtesy of S. Bertolucci)