Practice 1 Milena Dalmau Fusté 3rd of ESO
Presentation Hello, my name is Milena and I’m 14. I go to a High School in Cardedeu. In my free times I meet my friends,I study French and every Friday I go to a pool, in a sport center in Cardedeu called Squash. I like cats. I have a cat called Ying.
My free times In my free times I go to a pool in the gym Squash and somes Sundays i go to France. In the pool I go with my bestfriend Silvia. Photo:
Our High School: Ses pla Marcell Ses Pla Marcell is in Cardedeu, a city near to Barcelona. I like Pla Marcell because it’s a High School small. Here there are some photos:
The facilities in my school The facilities in my school are the computers:
My teachers In my class we have 9 teachers: Jesús Enric Laia Xavier Lídia Gemma Pilar Sonia Núria
Jesús Jesús teaches me German. German it’s not simple, but I like it because always we are working with laptops. Photo: Me
Enric Enric teaches me History (Socials). Here we don’t work with laptops. Enric is a good teacher. One time we see Enric in a program of the Catalan television! Photo:
Laia Laia teaches me English.Sometimes we work with computers. We don’t have a lot of homework in English. Laia is a one of the news teacher in the center. Photo:
Xavier Xavier teaches me Catalan. Xavier is always laughing and telling jokes. He’s a funny teacher. I only don’t like one think of Xavier: sometimes he had a rule of wood, and he crash the rule in desk, it’s annyoing! Photo:
Lídia Lidia teaches me Maths. Sometimes we works with ocmputers, but not usually. We haven’t got a lot of homework from Maths. Lídia is a new teacher. Photo:
Gemma Gemma teaches me Chimc. I think it’s very difficult. Every Friday we go to the lab and we do experiments, and we like this. Photo:
Pilar Pilar teaches me Spanish. She’s a lovely person, because she always listen to you and she do classes that we like. Photo:
Sonia Sonia teaches me Techonolgy. We only had two times techonolgy. Every Friday we go to the Lab and we do manualities works with groups. She’s a new teacher.
Olga Olga teaches me P.E., she’s a nice teacher. In the gym, we always are running 12 minuts, when we finish, we are are very tired! Photo:
Núria Núria teaches me Music. I think this class is nice because we listen to music and we learn too. We like music. Photo:
Labs We have 2 labs: ChimchTecnology:
Classmates Near to me I have: Jordi Jenni Xenia Marouan
Jordi He’s a very nice people. Always he’s laughing and telling jokes.
Jenni She’s an extroverted person, and she’s a bomb!
Xenia Is an introverted person.
Marouan He’s a funny person, but sometimes he’s a bit restless.
END!!!! By: Milena Dalmau Fusté