Background Small Business Administration established Innovative Economies Initiative to support economic development Community leaders selected VCSI to lead Huntsville team competition for Advanced Defense Technology Cluster grant Huntsville named one of three ADTCs* and immediately includes DoD, other Agencies Huntsville ADTC Team demonstrates regional collaboration *San Diego and Minnesota 2
3 Understand Customer Requirements Specialized Small Business Services Assess and Integrate Tech Teams Secure Contracts, Execute Projects, Create Jobs
Business Services Team Jenni Jeffers, Chamber of Commerce of Huntsville/Madison County Joanne Randolph, WBCNA Kannan Grant / Steve Briere, UAHuntsville Eric Ohene-Nyako, Alabama A&M University Ralph Mitchell, DAU Gary Tauss, BizTech
5 Technology Focus Area / Integration Team Rich White / Small Spacecraft (32%) John Horack / Environmental Monitoring (22%) Greg Pruitt / Intel-Surveillance-Recon (35%) Terry Griffin / Robotics-UVs-Interoperable Systems (35%) Rodney Robertson / Cybersecurity (29%) Dale Jobes/ Innovative Energy Applications (38%) Glenn Priddy & Frank Arena / Technology Integration & Partnering Marty Kress & Greg Pruitt / Business Development
6 Huntsville/Madison County Chamber of Commerce Technology Committee Provides a forum for member companies to facilitate collaboration and innovation for the benefit of regional economic development and job creation through new products, services and markets. Subcommittees and chairpersons align with ADTC Tech focus areas CTC Chair – John Gully Small Spacecraft / Rich White Environment Monitoring / John Horack Intel-Surveillance-Recon / Greg Pruitt Robotics-UVs-Interoperable Systems / Terry Griffin Cybersecurity / Rodney Robertson Innovative Energy Applications / Dale Jobes
Cyber Huntsville Secure the Cyber Mission for Huntsville Leverage What Huntsville Does Best High-technology Solutions to Complex Problem Sets Focus on the Critical Cyber “Hard Problems” Leverage the Community’s Proven Cyber Leaders Harness the Power of Partnerships Execution Via an Agile and Flexible Organization Oriented on Achieving Measurable Results Involve Participants With “Skin in the Game” Identify – Partner – Innovate – Solve
What We’re Doing… Small Business Access to Customer Requirements Early Notification of Short-Term Technology Needs Tactically and Strategically Focused SBIR Topics Direct linkage to customers Culture of Collaboration Five Questions per Opportunity 8
For more information, visit us online at: Markeeva Morgan, Project Manager, NASA