This Project consists of the following major elements Install new 15kV padmount switchgear Underground 15kV conduits and cable Underground Communications conduit Replace existing Pumphouse Transformer Motor Control Center
The installation of new Communications Infrastructure will enable NETS to; Install communications in the pump house for PPS phone and motor controls Redundant path for the Fiber running in the existing conduit Provides connection point for connection between NCAR and NOAA/NIST
The Mesa Lab is fed by two (2) 15kV feeders from Xcel Energy. The demarcation point is approximately 1 mile north of the Mesa Lab at the Pump House. The Xcel overhead lines are transitioned to NCAR power poles and down into a concrete incased ductbank, and then terminated in the Mesa Lab at the indoor switchgear. The poles, switched and cables are old and need to be replaced.
From the new pad-mounted switchgear, new underground conduits and manholes will be installed into the ML building switchgear One new electrical feeder will be installed and terminated. A second feeder will be priced, but not installed at this time.
The existing conduit and manholes running up the hill will be left in place to provide a secondary route up the hill for the electrical cabling, and will remain the primary route for communications.
Four (4) 4” conduits will be installed for Communications systems upgrades. These conduits will run from the ML building down to an existing manhole by the road. Two (2) 4” conduits will continue to the pump house area. A single 2” conduit will be extended to the pump house
The 2” conduit into the pump house will be used to provide, –Phone access –Network connectivity for power monitoring equipment –Future expansion for other services
The Communications conduits will be run into handholes rather than manholes. This will make access simpler and safer. The handholes will be spaced at approximately 350’ apart to facilitate cable installation. The handholes will be 40”x62”x48” with straight walls Polymer Concrete construction, split lids, open bottom, penta head bolts to secure the cover vertical loading of lbs Ground rod installed
One of the 4” conduits shall contain a conductive Maxcell sleeve from the Mesa Lab building down to the hand-hole closest to the pump house. All other conduits shall contain a pull string.
Erosion control and grounds restoration are a CRITICAL part of this Project. When all construction is complete the Contractor shall be diligent in grading, re- seeding and irrigating all disturbed areas such that all construction impact shall “disappear” as soon as possible and all grounds will look exactly as the surrounding areas.