Briefing on Cape Town’s Integrated Rapid Transit System 2009
‘Trunk’ and ‘Feeder’ services Dedicated trunk service lanes Feeder services in mixed traffic
Trunk services on coloured lanes Large vehicles Lane located in the middle of the roadway Major origin to major destination Free transfers between trunk routes
Feeder services on general traffic lanes Operating in mixed traffic Operating along the kerbside of the road Providing services into residential areas Connections to trunk services Smaller vehicles:
Phase 1A Airport CBD link Inner city service CBD Green Point Stadium
Subsequent phases Rest of phase 1: West Coast to Atlantis route Phase 2: Metro South East (Khayelitsha and Mitchells Plain) Phases 3 and 4: Delft, Blue Downs, Stellenbosch
Comfortable, accessible public transport Easy boarding for wheelchairs Accessible for the elderly and children Provision for prams World class stations and vehicles Level boarding on trunk routes. Ramps on feeder routes Level boarding on trunk routes. Ramps on feeder routes
Sustainable public transport Low emission vehicles Reduction in private vehicle use
Affordable public transport Fares will be comparable with those currently charged Financial modelling underway Cheaper fares for off peak times Fares to range from R4 to R16
Infrastructure designed to fit fare structure Feeder Services Flat fare per trip at open stations Trunk Services Base + distance-related fare Free transfer: between trunk services at strategic closed feeder stations at strategic closed feeder stations
Smart cards Will enable transfers between trunk routes on a single fare Will make it easy to transfer between trunk routes Sold at stations and retail outlets Eliminate cash transactions on the vehicles
Phase 1 construction: inner city to Green Point Hertzog Boulevard, Civic lane and Old Marine Rd Construction of dedicated lane, station and cycle lane begins now Somerset Rd Cycle lane under construction, for completion in March 2010 Inner City to Hout Bay Dedicated lanes, stations and cycle infrastructure begins 2 nd half of 2009
Airport services Airport plaza, IRT station base structure for completion by December 2009 Station top structure for completion by March 2010
West coast infrastructure R27 dedicated lanes, and cycle lanes currently under construction for completion by March 2010 Bayside Centre station construction begins now Blaauwberg Rd median lane construction begins mid-2009
Comparing infrastructure costs BRT Trams Light rail Urban rail Elevated rail Metro R Mil /km R Mil /km R Mil /km R Mil /km R Mil /km R Mil /km Cape Town IRT infrastructure is costing about R 40 million / km on average
Curitiba, Brazil
Guayquil, Equador
Pereira, Columbia
São Paulo, Brazil
Station Design
Typical signage at ticket office entrance
System map displays Individual route maps above doorways Full system map inside closed area of station
Glass sliding doors with station name displayed
Real-time information displays
Alignment of Bus with Platforms Kassel Kerb in Zuidtangent, Netherlands
Progress Summary March 2007: Implementation Framework completed October 2007: City project team formed November 2007: City study tour to Latin America December 2007: Operational plan tender awarded February 2008: National Treasury awarding of R 836 m March 2008: Council resolution approving planning April 2008: Awarding of Business Plan contract April 2008: Press announcement on project August 2008:Council approves Phase 1A implementation August 2008: First infrastructure tender advertised November 2008: Construction commences December 2008: Phase 1A operator study tour to Colombia
Progress Summary 2009 February 2009 : Draft Vehicle Operator Prospectus given to taxi and bus industry February 2009: National Treasury awarding of R 900 m April 2009: R600m civil contracts awarded R300m tenders received for IRT Closed Station Superstructures