Recommendations to USAID/Haiti for LF-Series Tablet Feeder Chlorinators Daniele Lantagne, PE CDC Rochelle Rainey, PhD USAID
Background Community-based chlorination –Common in Central America –Tablet feeders (LF-500, LF-1500) –Hypochlorinators One Published Paper (Henderson et al, 2005) –Tablet feeders (like the LF-500) are more effective than hypochlorinators
The LF-series in Haiti International Action –Washington-based NGO –Funded to provide 100 LF-series to Haiti –Working with POCHEP, CAMEP, and SNEP –Technical Assistance from IRWA Daniele received asking for NGOs to receive LF-series –Connected Jolivert, Bethel Mission –Attended training for NGOs on May 8, 2006
How it works Flow in (from left) and diverted 2 valves manipulated to control flow –Treatment pipe and Main pipe LF-500 doses water in treatment pipe to ~5 mg/L chlorine Technician tests mixed finished water –If test shows not 2.0 mg/L chlorine, technician adjusts valves –Iterates until correct residual Water flows to tank or distribution system Main Pipe Treatment Pipe Chlorine Tablets
Responsiveness to Water Quality All dependent on testing of effluent water If low chlorine demand adjust valves so more flow through main pipe –Clear water If higher chlorine demand adjust valves so more flow through LF-series treatment pipe –Dirty water –Contaminated water (dead horse upstream)
Concerns for LF-500 Continuous supply of tablets to projects Use of LF-series in intermittent situations –Shock of higher chlorine dose with first flush Responsiveness of LF-series to influent water quality –Dependent on Technician testing water These concerns are more important in smaller systems with discontinuous flow (less margin for error), and less important in continuous flow, larger systems where shock loading or underdosing will even out in distribution or tank.
Existing Sources in Rural Haiti
USAID Rural Water Focus
Benefits of LF-500 Provision of appropriately dosed chlorinated water to communities Simple system Low-cost Need for only one point of intervention per community
Important Educational Messages Adequate and sufficient testing of effluent water LF-500 best in (semi)continuous flow situations Training of Operator and Community Organization –Tablet and DPD testing supply chain –Maintenance Decision tree for use –Small water supply systems use hypochlorite? –Medium supplies use tablet feeder? –Larger supplies use diluted calcium hypochlorite?
Recommendations to USAID –Connect Int’l Action with JICA and IADB rural infrastructure projects –Work to provide information to Int’l Action to: Provide technical information to partners Select appropriate locations for interventions –Under sustainable circumstances in (semi)continuous water supplies LF-500 can be an appropriate intervention in Haiti