IRRIIS SimCIP Demo (version 0.8- May 2009) IRRIIS European Project – Antonio Di Pietro – ENEA
IRRIIS 1. SimCIP is a deterministic, discrete-time simulation model used to study interdependencies between CIs (Telco and electric CI). 2. Visualization of an interactive map containing the component of the considered CI which are real time updated in order to show the state of each component. 3. Insert failure scenarios chosen by the experimenter to assess the propagation of failures between two differtent Cis. 4. Interface with the electric simulator “Sincal” (Siemens) and visualization of the components (bus bar, trasformers, electrical lines, etc.) of an electrical network. SimCIP features
IRRIIS How the environment works Siemens Sincal (Continuos Electrical Simulator) (1) loading a scenario (2) setting the failures to be simulated (3) starting a simulation (4) SimCIP performs routing calculations and gets results. (4) SimCIP interacts with Sincal simulator and gets results. (5) Simulation results are stored for results analisys EXPERIMENTER Routing algorithm (Telecom Simulator) SimCIP Discrete Event Simulator
IRRIIS Creating SimCIP models From scratch Importing from the networks database
IRRIIS SimCIP model and simulations settings Scada panel Power simulator – SINCAL Telco simulator – Routing algorithms Interface networks database
IRRIIS Geo-view
IRRIIS Creating scenarios Scenario agent Scheduling events
IRRIIS Simulation modes
IRRIIS Agent-icons in SimCIP Telco Power
IRRIIS An overview on the networks modeled into SimCIP
IRRIIS The electrical network as modeled into SimCIP One 150 kv distribution area
IRRIIS In feeder 2 In feeder 1 In feeder 3 Three infeeder points where the power is being absorbed from the external transmission network The electrical network as modeled into SimCIP
IRRIIS In feeder 2 In feeder 1 In feeder 3 A set of critical lines serving the infeeder points The electrical network as modeled into SimCIP
IRRIIS Two 20 kV distribution areas Area 1 serving a Backbone Exchange Telco node (National Node) Area 2 serving a Transit Telco node (Local Node) The electrical network as modeled into SimCIP
IRRIIS Monitoring electrical areas degradation states on MIT RE panels Two 20 kV distribution areas MVA_1 MVA_2
IRRIIS The electrical and telecom networks The PSTN and GSM Telecom networks have critical dependencies with power loads services from the two electrical 20 kV areas TelcoOffice24 TelcoOffice07
IRRIIS A demo experiment OBJECTIVE: showing how the propagation of failures happens at different time steps.
IRRIIS STEP 0: Network in normal condition
IRRIIS STEP 1: Some critical line tripped Failure of a line and consequent overloading condition producing the disconnection of three critical lines.
IRRIIS STEP 1: Some critical line tripped Failure of a line and consequent overloading condition producing the disconnection of three critical lines.
IRRIIS STEP 2: Critical lines are in overload condition L7 highly overloaded General under voltage condition of the two 20 kV areas MVA2 MVA1 The disconnection of L7 might cause a cascading failure on the overall network.
IRRIIS STEP 3: The overloaded line tripped The undervoltage condition increases in the 150 kV and also in the two 20 kV areas. MVA_2 MVA_1 Telecom BoB devices will be powered by batteries TelcoOffice24 OTHER LINES ARE AUTOMATICALLY DISCONNECTED IN A SHORT TIME. A CASCADING EFFECT WILL BE GENERATED FAST.
IRRIIS The power of backup batteries expires, with high consequence against the national communication system and the operativity of electrical SCADA components STEP 4: Backup batteries of Telco site expire GENERAL BLACK-OUT FOR THE ELECTRICAL AND FOR THE SCADA NETWORK.
IRRIIS Thanks for your attention. Any question?