Trophic relationships Feeding roles in streams
Aquatic insects categorized: Food type and how food is obtained Feeding guilds = functional groups
Base of trophic relationship Productivity from? Microbial loop: –Fungi, bacteria –Use dissolved organic carbon (DOC) –Passed to protozoans, etc.
Invertebrate consumers Food resources: –Periphyton –Macrophytes –Detritus –Animals
Feeding roles Shredders –Leaves, associated microbiota (CPOM) –Chewing –Trichoptera, Plecoptera, Diptera CPOM = > 1 mm
Feeding Roles Suspension feeder / filterer-collector –FPOM and microbiota –Sloughed periphyton –Use setae, nets, etc. –Net-spinning Trichoptera, Simuliidae, Ephemeroptera
Feeding Roles Deposit feeder / collector-gatherer –FPOM and microbiota –Browse, collect on surface, burrow –Ephemeroptera, Chironomidae, Ceratopogonidae FPOM = < 0.5 mm
Feeding Roles Grazer –Periphyton (mostly diatoms) by scraping –Macrophytes by piercing –Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera, Coleoptera
Feeding Roles Predator –Animals –Biting, piercing –Odonata, Megaloptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera, Diptera, Coleoptera
Terrestrial Stream CPOM DOM Leaching Microbes Shredders Feces FPOM
FPOM consumers Suspension and deposit feeders –Many adaptations for filtering –Philopotamidae caddisfly spins net
FPOM consumers Suspension feeder –Black fly larvae = Simulidae
FPOM consumers Deposit feeder = collector-gatherer –Some in sediments, some forage
Consumers of autotrophs Grazers, piercers –Graze periphyton –Scraping mouthpart adaptations –Water penny beetle larva Psephenus
Consumers of autotrophs Another grazer –Mayfly Stenonema –Brush algae, then collect it
Predators Most engulf prey entire or in pieces; others have piercing mouthparts
Problems with trophic classification Diet shifts with age and size Many very young invertebrates feed on fine detritus, then change