Diversity of Organisms and Classification
Classification of Organisms Kingdom Phylum / Division Class Order Family Genus Species
n Why is the pyramid inverted?
Species n The smallest group of organisms classified which can interbreed with each other to produce fertile offspring n Scientific name : unique to all organisms n e.g. scientific name of: n human = Homo sapien n Sugar maple = _______________ (?) n Red maple = _______________ (?) n Striped maple = _______________ (?)
Six Kingdom System n Protists n Fungi n Animals n Plants n Archaebacteria n Eubacteria
All are made of cells n Membrane n Organelles “tiny organs” n DNA ( in or not in a nucleus)
A cell with a nucleus
A cell without a nucleus
All contain DNA
Multicellular tissue
Protists n Unicellular; microscopic n Nucleus present n Nucleus= “the Brain” of the cell; controls cell’s actions n Autotrophic (self-feeder, makes food by photosynthesis) or… n Heterotrophic (other-feeder)
Fungi n Have nuclei n Made up of hyphae –Stringy threads of cells n No root, stem and leaf n Saprophytic or parasitic –Saprophytic: feed on dead substances –Parasitic: obtain nutrients from living organisms
Animals n Have nuclei n Multi-cellular n Divided into two groups according to the presence or absence of backbone: –Invertebrates : without backbone –Vertebrates : with backbone –(Phylum Chordata)
Plants n Have nuclei n Multicellular n perform photosynthesis –Autotrophic – make own food n Can be divided into two groups: –Non-flowering plants –Flowering plants
Eubacteria n Unicellular, microscopic n No nucleus n Saprophytic or parasitic –Saprophytic: feed on dead substances –Parasitic: obtain nutrients from living organisms
Archaebacteria n “Ancient” bacteria n Unicellular, microscopic n No nucleus n Heterotrophic (other feeder, or … n Autotrophic (self-feeder)