Agenda DOL opening Statements Review 21 Day Menu Food Service Trends Documentation Head Count Over Projection Equipment Management 92G Training Program (unit and state level) AFMIS Raw Subsistence FMAT Schedule and purpose Nutritional Awareness Phillip A. Connelly Award Program The Way Ahead
COL Scott Doust Director of Logistics
Review 21 Day Menu New Features: New Entrees Menu Day Flexibility Meal complexity Baking (desert ingredients) Healthy meal alternatives More then one main entrée (non pork eaters ect..) Areas of interest: Caterer’s ability to adhere to the menu Rotating vendors Stock additional kitchen equipment and utensils BDFA Memorandum
Food Service Trends CLRT-X Trends: Over projection DA Form 5913 Strength and Feeder Report (Repeat Finding) 92G training and licensing on food service equipment program (unit level) Unit food service training documentation Management Board minutes were not signed by the voting members at the unit level (see handout) Accountability of catered meals DA Form 5914 Ration Control Sheet
Food Service Trends Food Service Management Team (FMAT) Trends: Time management Effective utilization of staff Raw subsistence receiving process Proper use of Production Schedules Use of thermometer (Temp Logs) Effective disposition plan for leftover rations Lack of knowledge of basic food safety standards Trash removal plan Adjusting AFMIS raw subsistence meal request
Documentation DA Form 5914 Ration Control Sheet DA Form 5913 Strength and Feeder Request/Report (AFMIS) DA Form 3988 Equipment Replacement Record DA Form 3953 DA Form 7566 Composite Risk Management Form DA Form 1687 Signature Card DA Form 577 Signature Card DA Form 3032 Signature Headcount Sheet
Head Count Over Projection Accountability Commander’s Responsibility (FLIPL) Headcount update 30 days prior to mission (SUTA, school, Soldier performing duty in another location, AGR, ADSW, and Officer’s) All discrepancies between the DA form 5913 request and feeder report need to be annotated in the Remarks column, block 10 on the feeder and in the remarks section in AFMIS closeout screen Internal overage audits at unit level quarterly (FSO). Meals sold for cash (DA 1544 Cash Meal Collection Sheet) 3 month average for projecting headcount for SIK Soldiers
Forms / SOP’s/ issues and concerns Unannounced cash count inspections Issue and control of Cash Meal Collection Book DD Form 1544 Turn in procedures Verification and Revalidations Suspense dates Cash Collection
Food Service Equipment Management Properly maintained equipment is imperative to the overall success of the mission Time management (drill weekends) Documentation (2404/5988-E) Component listing Shortage annex Items coming back from reset missing items Service schedules (supporting FMS) All equipment needs to be opened and inventoried at the initial receipt
92G Training Program (Unit level) CLRT-X Finding Ongoing training program at the unit level Training tools (STP Manuals / Handout) Documentation of training events (DTMS) 92G Licensing on all MTOE equipment
92G Training Program (State Level) DCO Training Classes DCO Training Schedule Additional Training events: 1.AFMIS (as needed) 2.Food Safety 3.Field Sanitation (Preventative Med) 4.Other classes available
AFMIS Raw Subsistence 5 Steps: Generate Grocery order Grocery Receipt Production Schedule Kitchen Requisition and Turn-in Headcount/Close out
FMAT Schedule and Purpose Who: 1LT Jones, CW2 Dukes, CPT Norman, Mr. McComb and additional staff (Regional) What we do: Assist with paperwork, process improvement, teach (AFMIS, documentation and safety) identify problem areas and develop solutions When: The team conducts visits during actual cooking events IDT,AT and PMT (schedule handout) Where: see handout Why: Overall enhancement of the NYARNG Food Service Program and individual career development NOTE: Key leadership needs to be present for the visit
Nutritional Awareness March is National Nutrition Month “Enjoy the Taste of Eating Right” ChooseMyPlate.gov Let’s Move Initiative ARMY “Go For Green”
Phillip A. Connelly Award Program Background Objectives IFSEA Contributions Evaluation Process Nominations due NLT 1 May each year First time we will be holding a state level competition
The Way Ahead Food Service webpage ( Elimination of DA Form 5913 for non consolidated meals requests Open Communication Partnership with GOCOM’s GOCOM representation (Food Service Warrants)
NYARNG Food Service Management Board QUESTIONS?