Write Into the Day March 17, 2014 p paragraph: Today is St. Patrick’s Day. As you probably know, the color green and the shamrock (a three-leaf clover) are symbols associated with this holiday. Create a list of other holidays and the symbols that are known to represent that specific holiday. Are there some holidays that don’t have a symbol? What symbol would you give them?
Vocabulary TEST Next week Wednesday you will have a cumulative Vocabulary TEST on Vocabulary 7, 8, 9, and 10 Please put the study guide I give you on p. 61 of daybook (under warm-up) and study each day to remind yourself of the definitions you already learned
Grammar- Subject Verb Agreement Take notes on p , copy all A verb should agree in number with its subject Singular subjects take singular verbs Example: The car comes to a sudden stop. Example2: On that route the airplane flies at a very low altitude.
Continued... Plural subjects take plural verbs: Example: Many senators oppose the new tax bill. Example 2: The dolphins leap playfully in the channel. Example 3: He is building a bird feeder. (helping verb) Example 4: They are building a bird feeder. (helping verb)
Number Number is the form a word takes to indicate whether the word is singular or plural When a word refers to one person, place, thing, or idea, it is singular in number. When a word refers to more than one person, place, thing, or idea, it is plural in number
Singular and Plural Examples Singular: egg, person, fox, I, die, each Plural: eggs, people, foxes, we, dice, all
Classifying Nouns and Pronouns by Number Copy each expression and write whether the italicized/bolded word is singular or plural 1. The lion yawns.5. She wins. 2. The cubs play.6. The play opens. 3. No one stays.7. All applaud. 4. The refugees arrive.
Answers 1. singular 2. plural 3. singular 4. plural 5. singular 6. singular 7. plural
Identifying Verbs that Agree with Their Subjects Copy each sentence. If the verbs agree with the subject, leave it. If not, change the tense of the verb 1. The people on the bus have all been seated. 2. The fish, bass and perch mostly, has started feeding.
Answers 1. Correct 2. Change HAS to HAVE
Identifying Pronouns that Agree with Their Antecedents Copy each sentence. If the pronouns agree with its antecedent, leave it. If not, change the form of the pronoun 1. Either of the men could have offered their help. 2. Both of the flowers had opened their petals.
Answers 1. Change THEIR to HIS 2. Correct
Identifying Verbs That Agree in Number with Their Subjects Choose the form of the verb in parentheses that agrees with the given subject. 1. It (is, are) 2. They (does, do)
Answers 1. is 2. do
Identifying Verbs That Agree in Number with Their Subjects Choose the correct form of the verb in parentheses in the following sentence. 1. The sport of basketball (enjoys, enjoy) great popularity worldwide.
Answers 1. enjoys
A Diary from Another World Please open your Literature book to p and read the short passage about Anne Frank When you finish, please answer the following questions on p. 65 of daybook, DO NOT COPY QUESTIONS: 1. Reread line What new insights about Anne’s thoughts do you get from this article? 2. What are Gerda Weissmann Klein’s impressions of Anne Frank’s house and neighborhood? Work INDIVIDUALLY until you are dismissed, if you finish early, READ