“Learning Matters: No Excuses”
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein
My Summer PD “The Smartest Kids in the World” Ripley “Mindset” Dweck “Engaging Students With Poverty In Mind” Jensen Teaching with Poverty in Mind workshop
Poverty is everyone’s problem and is not going away. The greatest influence on students is our schools. TEACHERS MATTER!
DNA is NOT Your Destiny! Sometimes the apple DOES fall far from the tree!
STRESS Stress- (on/off) is healthy for us. Distress- (chronic) is toxic to our brain/body Reality- Poor children are exposed to more intense and longer lasting stressors and have fewer coping skills than their higher SES peers. DISTRESS Shrinks key brain cells
Effects of Chronic Stress on Students Greater impulsivity (blurts, talking back, scattered) Poor working memory Might be angry or detached Academic underperformance Inappropriate classroom behaviors Less effort put out in class
TAKE CARE OF YOUR STRESS In order for staff to help students, they have to manage their own stress. Find the source of your own stress so you can manage it better. Coping is not enough.
Low SES vs upper SES Acute/chronic stress Executive Function Skills Less emotional support The greater number of risk factors is correlated with lower IQ
We can change IQ
Good teaching can change brain activity. Quality teaching overcomes adverse genetic effects on early reading and scores.
DNA is NOT Your Destiny Brains are designed to change Environment is a bigger factor in low SES : less than 10% is heritability. Don’t identify kids as “low kids.” Teachers can make a difference:.57 effect of SES.98 effect of teacher
If you doubt it can happen, kids know. If you say and believe it will happen, IT CAN!
Attitudes that Affect Academic Success Hope: to fuel long-term effort (they must feel the end point is possible) If a student thinks you don’t believe in them, you’ll lose ground. Growth mindset: belief that the process is possible and desirable
Mindset Fixed I am stuck the way I am now IQ is a fixed permanent trait Looking smart is important Effort is negative and shows I do not “have it.” Growth I can grow and change IQ is malleable and it can be developed Being a lifelong learner is important to me Effort is a positive, since it shows my commitment and passion
Failure Happens To Everyone Teach optimism and the Growth Mindset: if you don’t, who will? We must raise the bar right away: Student expectations are MASSIVE 1.44-Teacher expectations of student success are a staggering 1.03 effect size. Raise the bar until you gasp for air! Set goals of 100% and STOP being afraid to fail!
Use Classroom Jobs to Build Hope List Existing Jobs Line Leader Messenger/Notes Attendance taker Fish feeder Plant feeder/waterer New Jobs Tour Guide Post Master/Fed Ex Census worker Marine Biologist Horticulturist/Botanist
Key Factors that Foster Hope Supportive relationships Skill building Positive role models Affirmation by authorities Setting and getting goals Compelling personal vision Perception that it’s getting better Faith and pictures of those who’ve made it Having a voice and sharing it Do service work as a class
Stop the Comforting of Underachieving Students Evidence Show that teachers who console underperformers by saying…………… 1.“Bless his/her heart.” 2.“Plenty of people have trouble in this.” 3.“You have other strengths.” 4.“Not everyone is cut out to pursue a career in this field.” THIS IS A STRONG DEMOTIVATOR OF EXCELLENCE!
What You CAN Do Is Focus on “S-E-A” “ I loved how you tried many strategies on that problem until you got it. That will help you get the job you want.” I like that you refused to give up. That extra effort will help you succeed again and reach that goal of yours.” Before you began, you thought you could succeed. Bet that positive attitude helped you come through.”
BOTTOM LINE Kids from poverty are often different Brains adapt to suboptimal conditions But brains can and do change everyday You can facilitate that change Students can change, if you change first You’ll have to let go of every single excuse you’ve ever heard of You can ensure your kids graduate
Goal: Uncover Barriers What are the barriers that will get in the way of ALL our students achieving a 3 or 4 on state tests? Brainstorm question above : 1. As an individual 2. As a table 3. Report to group
Why am I doing this?
Until we know all the barriers we think we have, we can’t make a plan to get through them. It will help us “Be Here, Be Ready” It will drive our PD and goals