December 4, 2014 Macon, Georgia Georgia Mountains Regional Commission
LUMPKIN COUNTY WATER IMPROVEMENT CDBG $ 500,000 in CDBG Funds Installation of approximately 8,570 LF of 12” water line and 2,430 LF of 6” water line 237 persons will benefit 184 or 78% are low and moderate income residents
Lumpkin County Water Improvements CDBG Source & Use Statement SourceUse Amount CDBG Construction $ 434,450 Contingency $ 35,550 Administration $ 30,000 TOTAL$ 500,000 Lumpkin County Engineering $ 60,966 (Cash Match & In-Kind) Construction $ 6,110 EPD Ordered Work $ 1,250 Inspection $ 8,400 LMI Tap Fees $ 11,000 Flush Valve Installation $ 2,000 Well House Repairs $ 2,000 TOTAL$ 91,726 TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 591,726 LUMPKIN COUNTY WATER IMPROVEMENT CDBG
Document the Need Photos Resident & 3 rd Party Letters EPD Orders Well Water Testing Results Water Authority Work Orders Fire Call Records Hydrant Flow Testing Results Preliminary Engineering Report LUMPKIN COUNTY WATER IMPROVEMENT CDBG
Letters from Residents Identify address No form letters State their problems and make sure it relates to what you are proposing in the application “My water is brown and discolored. I wish we had fire hydrants closer to reduce homeowners’ insurance rates. I have to filter my water in order to drink it. The water turns the inside of the toilet bowl black.” LUMPKIN COUNTY WATER IMPROVEMENT CDBG
Current system not in compliance with Georgia Safe Drinking Water Act – inspected June 2010 & July EPD found deficiencies of system. We listed all these in DCA-4 and provided photos. We provided documentation of county efforts to make improvements and explained lack of sufficient funding to eliminate all problems. EPD Orders LUMPKIN COUNTY WATER IMPROVEMENT CDBG
Completely explain details of your project and request DCA assistance if needed. Explain why some residents may not connect to system on the feeder line road if given an option. Provide letters and lab testing results of private wells. Connections will be in-kind for LMI residents on feeder line. Well Water Testing LUMPKIN COUNTY WATER IMPROVEMENTS CDBG
Documented bad taste, smell, rusty water calls from customers. Documented flushing of lines, installation of a flush hydrant to correct problem. Documentation from Fire Department on residential structure fires, letter from chief requesting hydrants, letter from resident verifying property loss. Flow Testing results provided to document need for 12” line for adequate fire protection since area is mountainous and water pressure needed to support hydrants. Work Orders, Fire Calls & Hydrant Flow Testing LUMPKIN COUNTY WATER IMPROVEMENTS CDBG
Describing the Project Benefits: Describe benefits to all residents. Aligns with Comprehensive Plan & Service Plan Improves service, pressure, fire protection LUMPKIN COUNTY WATER IMPROVEMENTS CDBG
Description of Activities: Well system abandonment be sure cost included in budget. Conflict of Interest addressed in narrative. Evaluation of Alternatives clearly described. Address if this is your first, second or third attempt at funding this project and your efforts to improve the application. LUMPKIN COUNTY WATER IMPROVEMENTS CDBG
Addressing Section 3 & Community Development Needs: Discuss Section 3 with applicant. Be sure to include their good faith efforts in narrative. Address Civil Rights/Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity measures for project. Discuss need for information of community improvements in project area and plans for future improvements. Be sure and list all improvements in Project Activity Schedule. LUMPKIN COUNTY WATER IMPROVEMENTS CDBG
Tell the story Focus on the low and moderate income persons and how these problems adversely affect their health and welfare MAKING YOUR APPLICATION COMPETITIVE
DCA -1, DCA-7, and DCA-8 should match Include both alternatives to the project and financial alternatives Address readiness and feasibility issues Key photos to a map and/or address MAKING YOUR APPLICATION COMPETITIVE
Start early and plan Identify key players for application Local Government Contact Engineer or Architect Planning Director DCA Field Service Representative Grant Writer Other tips…… MAKING YOUR APPLICATION COMPETITIVE
GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!
Georgia Mountains Regional Commission Nancy Smallwood Economic Development Representative GA Mountains Regional Commission P.O. Box 1720 Gainesville, GA