Moreno Valley College Who Are We? Community, Students, Teachers Prepared by David Torres, Dean, Institutional Research, (951) Riverside Community College District
Institutional Research Department Functions: Provides information regarding student characteristics, behaviors, and outcomes to support policy decisions and formation Provides information regarding student characteristics, behaviors, and outcomes to support policy decisions and formation Evaluates program and service effectiveness Evaluates program and service effectiveness Provides federal and state mandated research about RCCD to relevant parties Provides federal and state mandated research about RCCD to relevant parties In short, Institutional Research helps the institution know more about itself so it can improve its service to students In short, Institutional Research helps the institution know more about itself so it can improve its service to students
1.3% 1.2% 2.8% 1.5% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 5.0% RIVERSIDEMORENO VALLEY CORONAPERRISFONTANANORCO Percent Change,
Source: American Community Survey, American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, Educational Attainment, Service Area Cities, 2005
Feeder School District Enrollments by grade levels, through
RCCD Feeder High School District Graduates through Source: California Department of Education DataQuest webpage;
Source: California Postsecondary Education Commission webpage;
Moreno Valley College Student Demographics
Moreno Valley College Selected Student Outcomes
Of the original 496 students who started in English 60A only 78, or 15.7%, ended up attempting and passing English 1A during the subsequent 5 years.
Of the original 596 students who started in MAT-50 or 51, 1 (0.17%) successfully completed MAT-10 or 1A during the 5 years under examination.
Of the original 110 students who started in REA-81, 20 (18.2%) successfully completed REA-83 during the 5 years under examination.
Moreno Valley College Faculty Statistics
Summary of Findings RCC’s service area has experienced high growth especially in the outlying areas RCC’s service area has experienced high growth especially in the outlying areas There is much ethnic diversity within the district’s campuses, reflecting changes in our service areas There is much ethnic diversity within the district’s campuses, reflecting changes in our service areas
Summary of Findings, (p.2)
For more information about RCC Institutional Research contact: David Torres District Dean, Institutional Research Riverside Community College District Office (951)