Members meeting January 2013
History – A brief look back at 2012 Looking Forward Development Plan WEPL Re-Structure (P.Sykes) Events/Functions AOB AGENDA
2012 Forgotten !!!
2013 The Future Overview On the pitch Off the pitch Pre season training Junior coaching/training National competitions Mid week cricket Kit
Developme nt Plan Where do YOU see the Club in 5 years ?
Developme nt Plan Club Management - To manage the Club in an effective, efficient and innovative manner Playing Programme - To become an established WEPL Premier 1 cricket club Coaching – To provide high quality coaching to all members Club Facilities - To provide appropriate and welcoming facilities to all cricket members Club Vision A respected and high quality cricket club that competes at the highest level and provides for all members to participate and excel in cricket.
WEPL Future League Restructure Review has taken place to look at: Providing strongest possible Cricket for all teams Providing meaningful Cricket for 2 nd XIs Minimising travel Creating a fluid league allowing all teams to find their level Key Aim is Player Retention WEPL
Two Restructure Options Alternative Structure 1 WEPL administers top 2 tiers of 1 st XI and 2 nd XI Cricket. Tier 2 becomes split in order to minimise travel 12 team leagues (season extended by 4 games) All teams below top tier go in to respective feeder leagues Alternative Structure 2 1 st XI structure is identical to above All 2 nd XIs are placed in feeder leagues WEPL
Process for Change Pre 2013 season – Open meeting for clubs to come and ask questions/receive further information around both options. By end of June – All clubs to vote on preferred option (51% = majority) By end of November all clubs to vote between the preferred option and status quo (51% = majority) If restructure option is adopted, teams will play for positions in 2014 with new structure to begin in Player Input is critical! WEPL
Events & Functions Friday Night 20/20 Social Events Sports Club Functions Ideas/Suggestions ? How do we get that “Cricket Club Atmosphere ?”
A.O.B Sports Club Committee Communication Feedback Sponsorship/Fundraising